CAAC Minutes: 2022-04-19

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Members in attendance:
Paul Allen; Howard Bushart; David Jaroszewski; Cristen Martin; Karen Guthmiller; Roshele Friudenberg; Ed Korzetz; Dr. Walcerz; Heather Morrill; Dana Woods; Dometrius Hill; John Elliott; Joe Ganakos; and Samantha Johnson; Carl Husband; Paul Arrigo; Sarah Tidwell; Jamie Halloway; Jodi Rodriguez; Mollie Santana.

I. Approval of Minutes
1. March 2022 Minutes
Karen Guthmiller made motion; Dana Woods seconded to approve minutes.

Motion passes unanimously.

II. Officer Reports
1. CAAC Chair: Joe Ganakos
There were some issues with a previously approved submission from logistics. Jodi brought it to Joe’s attention, where he made an executive decision on behalf of CAAC, as we had voted in good faith, incidentally it was a matter of rearranging things. It turned out to be a sequencing issue. Shari worked with Nicole and Laura to present stackable certificated for logistics leading to the associate degree. She had submitted one change with IBUS 1300 option for one of the existing classes and meant for it to go across the board. When Jodi went to make the changes, it was a little different so she discussed with Dr. Walcerz and Joe Ganakos and the decision was that the changes could be made. There was a notation added to the curriculum maintenance request.

Will be convening a committee over the summer to try and “break” the system for CAAC.

There will be a July 2022 meeting.

Need to elect officers today. Election of Officers is done annually in April.

2. CAAC Vice-Chair: Samantha Johnson

Nothing to share.

III. Informational Items - Administration
1. Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
Jodi has put all three of the new programs into the portal for the THCB. Should be approved in 2 to 4 weeks. Dr. Hill and Dr. Walcerz will be writing the SACS substantive change. The deadline is June 1st. SACS only has two submission periods a year.

2. AVP of Academic Affairs: Dometrius Hill

Nothing to share.
3. AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett

Delivered via Dr. Walcerz as Scott is attending a meeting. Scott has nothing to share.

4. Registrar: Carl Husband
Nothing to share.

5. Director of Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
Registering for Summer and Fall. We have had a lot of success with pop up shops for registering students.

6. Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo
This year’s numbers were way down. Plagiarism was the biggest violation. Trying to figure out why the big drop. The bulk of the classes are online.

IV. Old Business
1. None.

V. Informational Items – New Business

1. Joe Ganakos
i. Misc: Conversion of AS in Business to AA (1763)
1. Item passed by acclimation via email vote.
Rochelle brought to Joe’s attention that it should be MATH1324
not MATH 1224. Change has been made in the system and (1763) is at
Division 2 Approval.

VI. New Business
1. Cristen Martin
i. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ENGL 2321 (1760)
ii. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ENGL 2326 (1761)

Howard Bushart made motion; John Elliott seconded.

Motion passes unanimously.

2. Election
Nomination of Chair –
Karen Guthmiller nominated Joe Ganakos for Chair.

Joe Ganakos nominated Samantha Johnson Vice Chair.

VII. Open Forum
John Elliott recognize Jodi Rodriguez for all she does.

Honors Day looking really good. April 26th at 2:00 pm.

Musical opens on May 3rd at 8:00 pm.

Division Reps – Names if it changes get the information to Joe.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
