CAAC Minutes: 2022-01-06

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CAAC Minutes —  Jan. 6, 2022

Members Present: Paul Allen; Howard Bushart; Sybil Rollins; David Jaroszewski; Vicky Hart; Karen Guthmiller; Roshele Friudenberg; Ed Korzetz; Douglas Walcerz; Heather Morrill; Sarah Tidwell; Dometrius Hill; John Elliott; Joe Ganakos; and Samantha Johnson.

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. November 2021 Minutes
      Karen Guthmiller motioned to approve; John Elliott seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.

  2. Officer Reports
    1. CAAC Chair: Joe Ganakos
      There has been a slew of last-minute submissions for CAAC. Several years ago, we made November the HARD deadline for submissions. While we have been flexible, there will be a hard deadline of February 2022, there will be NO changes to the Academic Catalog for 2022- 2023 after the February meeting. Submissions need to be in the system by the first week in February.
    2. CAAC Vice-Chair: Samantha Johnson
      Nothing to share

  3. Informational Items - Administration
    1. Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
      Nothing to share
    2. AVP of Academic Affairs: Dometrius Hill
      Nothing to share
    3. AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett
      Classes start Monday. Still registering over the weekend.
    4. Registrar: Carl Husband
      Nothing to share
    5. Assoc. Dean of Student Life: Rosemary Coffman
      Not in attendance
    6. Director of Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
      Nothing to share

  4. Old Business
    No Old Business

  5. Informational Items – New Business
    No Informational Items

  6. VI. New Business
    1. Gregg Lattier
      1. Replace Course: MATH 1325 to BUSI 2305 (1688)
        State mandated change – Informational item
      2. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: Business-Marketing Certificate (1690)
        David Jaroszewski motioned; Seconded by John Elliott.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      3. New Course: IMED 1316 (1691)
        David Jaroszewski motioned; Seconded by John Elliott.
        Already an existing course. All that was needed was an update to the degree.
      4. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: Business-Marketing Certificate (1694)
        Ed Korzetz made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    2. Donna Price-Zuniga
      1. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: AC, Heating, and Refrigeration AAS (1701)
      2. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: AC, Heating, and Refrigeration Cert (1702)
        David Jaroszewski motioned; Seconded by Samantha Johnson.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    3. Marice Ivey
      1. Requisite: HITT 2339 (1703)
        John Elliott motioned; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Requisite: HITT 1255 (1704)
        John Elliott motioned; Samantha Johnson seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    4. Charlotte Mueller
      1. Misc.: Field of Study – Music (1705)
        Karen Guthmiller motioned; John Elliott seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    5. Janena Norris
      1. Misc.: VNSG 2431 (1706)
        Increase in contact hours
        Ed Korzetz motioned; Howard Bushart seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    6. Graeme Cox
      1. New Course: FITT 2164 (1707)
      2. New Course: FITT 2165 (1708)
      3. New Course: FITT 1391 (1709)
      4. New Course: FITT 1164 (1710)
      5. New Course: FITT 1365 (1711)
      6. New Course: FITT 1394 (1712)
      7. New Course: FITT 1280 (1713)
      8. New Degree or Certificate Plan: Songahm Certificate I (1714)
        Consent Agenda
      9. New Degree or Certificate Plan: Kinesiology Degree (1715)
    7. William Walker
      1. Change/Update SCH: ITDF 1300 (1716)
      2. Replace Course: ITSY 1400 (1718)
      3. Replace Course: ITSY 2330 (1719)
      4. Replace Course: ITSY 2342 (1720)
      5. Modifications to previously approved
        John Elliott motioned; Howard Bushart seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.

  7. VII. Open Forum
    Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.

  8. Being added to Agenda:
    Email vote will be called on Monday, 1/10/22, and vote closed on Tuesday, 1/11/22.

  9. (1662, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714. Please note that 1670 and 1714 are the actual certificates.)

  10. Email Vote tally passes unanimously 14-0 in favor of all submissions. See attached.