CAAC Minutes: 2020-11-17

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CAAC Minutes — Nov. 17, 2020

I. Approval of Minutes:

  1. October 2020 Meeting
    Howard Bushart made Motion to approve; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
    Motion passes unanimously.

II. Informational Items - Administration

  1. VP of Instruction & PIER: Douglas Walcerz
    Dr. Walcerz did not have anything to share.
  1. Deans: Onimi Wilcox, Layton Childress
    Dr. Wilcox and Dean Childress did not have anything to share.
  1. Executive Director – Enrollment Services: Scott Bennett
    Scott Bennett did not have anything to share.
  1. Executive Director – Assessment & Accreditation: Brandon Combs
    Dr. Combs did not have anything to share.

III. Old Business

No Old Business

IV. Informational Items – New Business


V. New Business

  1. Chuck Ganze

    1. New Course: ITSE 1359 (1511)
    2. New Course: ITSY 2401 (1512)
    3. New Course: ITDF 1300 (1513)
    4. New Course: ITSY 1300 (1514)
    5. New Course: ITNW 1358 (1515)
    6. New Course: ITSY 2342 (1516)
    7. New Course: ITSY 2300 (1517)
    8. New Course: ITSY 2445 (1518)

      All of these courses will be part of the new cyber security degree. However, we do not have a submission for the degree itself. There are justifications and letters of support from the advisory board that need to be written and added. We can discuss in toto, presuming that CAAC will take a look at each one over the holiday break. Need affirmative Division Meeting Minutes and Master Syllabus in the supporting documentation.

      Karen Guthmiller motioned to Table items (1511 – 1518); Paul Arrigo seconded.
      Motion to Table passes unanimously.

  2. Heather Morrill

    1. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: DRAM 1341 (1534)
    2. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: DRAM 1342 (1535)

      Updating Name/Update lec/lab hours
      Paul Arrigo made motion; Stewart Edwards seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.

    3. Change/Update Course Description: DRAM 1310 (1536)
    4. Change/Update Course Description: DRAM 2366 (1537)
    5. Change/Update Course Description: DRAM 2336 (1538)

      ACGM Changes
      Informational items.

  3. Sarah Tidwell

    1. Miscellaneous: C-Rule Courses (1539)

      Stewart Edwards made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.

  4. Channell Cook

    1. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: CDEC 2366 (1540)
      Paul Arrigo made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Child Development AAS (1541)
      Karen Guthmiller made motion; Stewart Edwards seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
  5. Jim Dobberstine
    1. Change/Update Course Description: BIOL 1322 (1542)
    2. Change/Update Course Description: BIOL 2406 (1543)
      Paul Arrigo made motion; Howard Bushart seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    3. New Course: BIOL 1308 (1581)
    4. New Course: BIOL 1309 (1582)
      Charlotte Mueller made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    5. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: COSC 2425 (1584)
      Stewart Edwards made motion; Paul Arrigo seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
  6. Roshele Friudenberg
    1. Discontinue Course – Catalog: MATH 310 (1544)
    2. Discontinue Course – Catalog: LSSS 300 (1545)
    3. Discontinue Course – Catalog: MATH 350 (1546)
    4. Discontinue Course – Catalog: READ 300 (1547)
      John Elliott made motion; Paul Arrigo seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    5. Change/Update Course Description: EDUC 1200 (1548)
    6. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: EDUC 1200 (1549)
    7. Change/Update Course Requisite: EDUC 1200 (1550)
      John Elliott made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    8. Change/Update Course Description: REBR 300 (1551)
    9. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: REBR 300 (1552)
    10. Change/Update Course Requisite: REBR 300 (1553)
      Numbering to be changed in January, i.e., … ENBR 100, REBR 100
      Vicki Hart made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    11. Change/Update Course Description: ENRD 401 (1554)
    12. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: ENRD 401 (1555)
    13. Change/Update Course Requisite: ENRD 401 (1556)
      Paul Arrigo made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    14. Change/Update Course Description: ENRD 402 (1557)
    15. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: ENRD 402 (1558)
    16. Change/Update Course Requisite: ENRD 402 (1559)
      John Elliott made motion; Stewart Edwards seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    17. Change/Update Course Description: ENBR 402 (1560)
    18. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: ENBR 402 (1561)
    19. Change/Update Course Requisite: ENBR 402 (1562)
      Paul Arrigo made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    20. Change/Update Course Description: MABR 310 (1563)
    21. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: MABR 310 (1564)
    22. Change/Update Course Requisite: MABR 310 (1565)
      John Elliott made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    23. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 320 (1566)
    24. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: MATH 320 (1567)
    25. Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 320 (1568)
      John Elliott made motion; Paul Arrigo seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    26. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 342 (1569)
    27. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: MATH 342 (1570)
    28. Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 342 (1571)
      Stewart Edwards made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    29. Change/Update Course Description: MABR 342 (1572)
    30. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: MABR 342 (1573)
    31. Change/Update Course Requisite: MABR 342 (1574)
      John Elliott made motion; Sarah Tidwell seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    32. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 330 (1575)
    33. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: MATH 330 (1576)
    34. Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 330 (1577)
      Charlotte Mueller made motion; Paul Arrigo Seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
    35. Change/Update Course Description: MABR 330 (1578)
    36. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: MABR 330 (1579)
    37. Change/Update Course Requisite: MABR 330 (1580)
      Paul Arrigo made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
  7. David Jaroszewski
    1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Business AS (1583)
      Sarah Tidwell made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.

VI. Open Forum

Chairs need to reiterate that changes need to be submitted by the November CAAC meeting.

There will be a special CAAC meeting in January during Professional Development week. Date TBA.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
