CAAC Minutes: 2020-09-15

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CAAC Minutes — Sept. 15, 2020

I. Approval of Minutes

1. February 2020 meeting

We do not currently have minutes for the February meeting and the reason for that is, they are currently locked on campus in an office and the person who normally does the job of transcribing all our craziness. There are some complications there in terms of at-risk populations. So we're going to be patient for the February 2020 minutes until we're back on campus, and everything is a little bit safer.

II. Informational Items - Administration

1. VP of Instruction: Veronique Tran

I wanted to share that we have good news that the GEOL 1347, meteorology, and PHYS 1317 have both been approved as CORE by the coordinating board, to be offered in the Spring 2021. If you recall, we were trying to introduce a 3-hour life and physical sciences core options because right now the majority of them have are 4 credit hours. Which, a student is only required to enroll in six total LPs or life and physical sciences core category. That was putting our students above the sixty of those access hours, we wanted in the core components. This is a step in the right direction.

I do need to follow up with Sharon Gable regarding the meteorology, all the warning that the teamwork learning objective to flush out some more, but we do have coordinating board approval. I'll formally send out an email so that Jodi can catalog and then advisors will be aware.

The other thing I wanted to as the CAAC about is that, we're gearing up our pathways guided pathways work now that everybody's back and we have some semblance of the “new normal.” I will be coordinating the different pathways for them to review the faculty to review the various degree plans. We've talked about some consolidation of those because we have so many different ones.

My question for CAAC is, what is the timeline in terms of approval of guided pathways changes? We are committed to the Fall 2021 roll out of guided pathways. In order to do that, it has to get into the catalog, which Jodi will tell you that, that there's that absolute deadline of the February CAAC, right? There's also the recruiting function with Scott here as well. When students start registering for the fall and the spring we would want to have all these changes in place, websites updated, all the materials developed, in order for the recruiters and advisors to be able to use them for the fall 2021.

Basically, my question is, what is the CAAC deadline for guided pathways pages?

Joe Ganakos
I'm going to send a lot of that to Jodi, because obviously that's going to fall on her shoulders. What I would personally prefer. And again, I'm not going to act unilaterally, because I think that everybody in CAAC needs to chime in, would be that I would prefer to do this as a special meeting.

So (A) we separate it from the regular business so it gets it full attention but (B)we also don't get bogged down with that November meeting. Because again, like in years past, I assume that meeting will be a bit more hectic than other meetings.

If we do a special meeting, we could in theory do it in January as well? Which, historically, we have not offered January CAAC meeting, because at least, when I first got to lead, we were sometimes starting the day after Martin Luther King day, which means that third Tuesday would often be off the books anyway. So that was just the traditional. But we are starting earlier than we have in years past, so I would at least be a minimal to the idea of using that time. Whether it's even during our professional development week, or whether it's during the first few classes to get that squared away, at least, maybe the first reading. Or, is maybe a workshop and then do a second meeting if necessary to approve as part of regular business.

Jodi, when would you need it to feel comfortable integrating all the pathways changes in the catalog?
Jodi Rodriguez –
My only concern is that with the new smart catalogue should be a huge help once it gets going, and once I'm used to working in it. That's really my only concern. I would say, as long as we have it by January, I should be.

Dr. Tran –
Would you rather finish it by December and have it over with?

Joe Ganakos –
The idea that there will be a heavy reading load over that period, I think the primary benefit would be to again, we can examine every nook and cranny and make sure that it's not having unintended consequences from a faculty perspective. That would then enable us to do a special meeting in January to give Jodi time to integrated into the catalog. But again, that would mean that it would need to be in our hands as a workshop functions special meeting when we come back from Thanksgiving. Would that be feasible on behalf of the pathways team?

Karen Guthmiller-
Sounds to me, like, a lot of pieces have to fall together. You're talking about a pathways committee, but you might be able to have a subcommittee of the CAAC. Maybe during that three weeks, when it's quiet for most people, there's a group of us that would consider reading through that, just as a preliminary process.

Joe Ganakos-
With the idea of creating a subcommittee that means we need volunteers. I think Karen may have just volunteered herself. I would be willing to serve as well, but we would need some other members, especially from the technical divisions. Vicky Hart also volunteered.
If we can get a half dozen people together representing both, academic and technical I think that this may be feasible. Then we can go back and give reports, obviously, to the full path.

Dr. Tran, the concern I would have though, is would the pathways team be able to get us the materials that we need even piecemeal by those those working dates?

Dr. Tran-
Yeah, I think, and this is what we're talking about as we set that day, then we just work backwards from there and it has to be done.

Joe Ganakos-
Our meeting is currently scheduled for November 17th, that's the third Tuesday. There's a narrow window when we come back from Thanksgiving, we're basically immediately into finals and then the Mini term. So, are there any misgivings about this process as described.

Dr. Tran-
Would you have an agenda due date, like November for example? Those would be the curriculum requests and then that way it gets into the system that's being reviewed over from that point onto whenever the January meeting is?

Joe Ganakos-
The ideal situation for me is, it is a first-reading, second-reading perspective. If we can convene the subcommittee and charge them essentially, even though they won't be a formal charge, but if we can give them the tools that they would need, myself included by the November 17th CAAC meeting, it would not be a business item, just setting the pieces in motion for review. Then we use the December term to put us where we need to be going into professional development week. That would give Jodi, hopefully a final package that is ready to, to start migrating into part catalog.

The deadline for pathways Friday, November 13th.

2. VP of Planning: Douglas Walcerz

Dr. Walcerz does not have anything to share.

3. Deans: Onimi Wilcox, Layton Childress

Dr. Wilcox does not have anything to share. She is glad to see everybody.

Dean Childress does not have anything to share.

4. Executive Director – Enrollment Services: Scott Bennett

Scott noticed a couple of errors with some courses that don't have the correct contact hours that are in the prescribed list for them. The two courses that came up, are courses we just haven’t offered in a while, so I would just encourage the respective divisions to go through the courses and make sure that everything is above board. I'm happy to run a list and go through them. It's just how this body has functions with those types of updates.

Joe Ganakos –
If you could, run that list. We can then submit it as a batch email so everybody sees that everybody's getting it. The Deans of course, will be involved with it. If there is anything where we have to do, just a consent agenda for a whole slew of items, we'll do it that way.

5. Executive Director – Assessment & Accreditation: Brandon Combs

6. Academic Integrity Taskforce: Paul Arrigo

Paul does not have anything to share.

Joe Ganakos –

Let me go over a few things just kind of a generalized report for what happened over the summer based on. We dispensed with the March and April meeting and at that point, the members of who are on the committee that time, which is pretty much everybody in this call, agreed that Sarah, and I would be granted the ability to act as the proxy on behalf of CAAC, both for voting purposes and representation purposes.

We both did our best to be there through not only the regular meetings with administrators as we're warranted, but also make a few decisions about things that need to be expedited and also participating in the launch of the new smart catalog/syllabus/curricular maintenance/dicer and quick picker upper program. I will be frank, I think it's a good program, but there are some concerns that I have chief of, which is the fact that we still have a viable means to use miscellaneous items, especially in the academic affairs area.

It's more focused on curriculum maintenance, but this is going to be a big step forward to keeping the problems that Scott is seeing from happening in the first place. We've also made sure that there will be the ability for deans to provide. What I am calling an endorsement process, which means they have eyes on a proposal, they are not able to disrupt the flow of the faculty process, which means their job is to give advice. Their job is to stop faculty for making an error that violates SACS or state policy. The system will stay relatively the same.

III. Old Business

At this point we have no to the best of my knowledge, I should say we have no old business.

IV. Informational Items – New Business

We have no informational items again. Those will be dealt with if there's anything lingering from the February meeting, but we'll do those at a later date.

V. New Business

  1. Joe Ganakos
    1. CAAC Bylaws Amendment:
      1. Update Article II, Section ii to include the VP of Planning as follows: “Ad Hoc Members
        1. SACS liaison / VP of Instruction
        2. VP of Planning
        3. Dean of Academic Studies
        4. Dean of Applied Sciences
        5. Associate Dean of Student Affairs

The SACA liaison is obviously Dr. Tran. I still do want to see that formalized into the VP of instruction because I think that it is a necessary role. I would also like to add in addition to the other things, including the Dean of academic studies, Dean of applied sciences and the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. I would like to add a B roll for the VP of planning. And so, that would recognize that some of the things for both academic affairs and curriculum will also fall under Dr. Walcerz. Dr. Walcerz, are you okay with adding this role to your job description?

Dr. Walcerz-
This needs to be a first in second reading because it's a bylaws change. It will stay on the table until we return next time for a second reading.

Dr. Tran-
Are the people that are listed there just pulled up? Are the people that are listed there only ad hoc members?

Joe Ganakos-
Those are the ones currently prescribed by the bylaws? Yes.

Dr. Tran-
So, then, my question would be, should the Registrar Executive Director and Enrollment Services be an ad hoc member?

Joe Ganakos-
I'm a minimal I, again, because they are non-voting members, it just guarantees, but just, I would be completely minimal to including both roles. In fact, especially now that we have an administrative role as the as the director of counseling.
So, if you guys are okay with a friendly amendment, I can start the process put in the next agenda that we would add those three roles. We would include the executive director enrollment services. We would include the registrar of the college and the director of the counseling program. I think that gives us a great overview of everything that really does relate to what we do. And just as importantly what we're supposed to be doing.

Dr. Tran-
One more question is that this is all from the looks of it, primarily credit side, is someone representing the non-credit workforce piece of it?

Joe Ganakos-
So, by the CAAC charge, not just the bylaws, but the charge, they are supposed to submit a representative for all meetings. They have not done so in a very long time. I reached out and have not gotten feedback. I do have very real concerns about making sure that not only are they represented, but there's also no oversight.
The same argument is to be made with Huntsville, for example, Paul often carries the entire load of Huntsville. I would like to have the two representatives from Huntsville here, especially when we do web based meetings. I will also say that with the success of WebEx we can start moving towards telecommuting into meeting if we simply arrange the spaces.
Is there any discussion with regard to the proposed amendment?
And again, I will be making the updates to add a couple of other ad hoc members, and I'll send that out to everybody so you can review it over the next thirty days.

2. Marice Ivey
i. Replace Course: HITT 2249 to HITT 1255 (1510)

Stewart Edwards made motion; Paul Allen seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

3. CAAC Elections

i. Chair
Joe Ganakos self-nominated; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
Joe Ganakos is re-elected.

ii. Vice-Chair
Joe Ganakos nominated Sarah Tidwell. John Elliott seconded.
Sarah Tidwell is re-elected.

VI. Open Forum

Karen Guthmiller wanted to thank everyone that has been working hard to get the new Watermark program up and running.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
