CAAC Minutes: 2020-10-20

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CAAC Minutes — Oct. 20, 2020

Members Present: Paul Allen; Howard Bushart; Karen Guthmiller; Bill Gammel; Stewart Edwards; Charlotte Mueller; Douglas Walcerz; Sarah Tidwell; Onimi Wilcox; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; Laura Lane Worley; Brandon Combs; John Elliott; Roshele Friudenberg; Samantha Johnson; Scott Bennett; Carl Husband; and Jodi Rodriguez.

  1. Approval of Minutes

    1. September 2020 Meeting
      1. Minutes approved

  2. Informational Items

    1. VP of Instruction & PIER: Douglas Walcerz

      Nothing to share

    2. Deans: Onimi Wilcox

      Nothing to share

      Layton Childress

      Nothing to share

    3. Executive Director – Enrollment Services: Scott Bennett

      Nothing to share

    4. Executive Director – Assessment & Accreditation: Brandon Combs

      Nothing to share

  3. Old Business

    1. No old business
    2. New Business

      1. Joe Ganakos
      i. Second Reading of CAAC Bylaws Amendment:

      1. Update Article II, Section ii to include the VP of Planning as follows: Ad Hoc Members

      1. SACS liaison / VP of Instruction
      2. VP of Planning
      3. Dean of Academic Studies
      4. Dean of Applied Sciences
      5. Associate Dean of Student Affairs

      Joe Ganakos made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

      1. Jen Herzberg
        1. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ARTS 2314 (1519) – ACGM Mandated Change
        2. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2316 (1521) – ACGM Mandated Change
        3. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2323 (1523) – ACGM Mandated Change
        4. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2346 (1524) – ACGM Mandated Change
        5. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2347 (1525) – ACGM Mandated Change
        6. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2356 (1526) – ACGM Mandated Change
        7. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2357 (1527) – ACGM Mandated Change
        8. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2313 (1528) – ACGM Mandated Change
        9. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2326 (1529) – ACGM Mandated Change
        10. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2333 (1530) – ACGM Mandated Change
        11. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 2348 (1531) – ACGM Mandated Change
        12. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 1311 (1532) – ACGM Mandated Change
        13. Change/Update Course Description: ARTS 1312 (1533) – ACGM Mandated Change

          All ACGM changes.

      2. Laura Lane-Worley

      i. Miscellaneous: Distance Education Handbook Changes (1520)

      Dr. Laura Lane Worley went over DigiTex, and explained that we could offer our online courses on there. DigiTex is handled through Student Affairs office and Dr. Suchon. Beginning Summer 2021 we're going to pilot an internal peer review system. We had to set the bar for online certification. The Distance Ed Committee is concerned about faculty who come to us as adjuncts, because we have opened up our pool quite broadly. Now, teaching for us online, some have years of experience and some may or may not meet national standards. We have agreed that the process would be that we want them to meet the bar of teaching online certification either from nationally recognized provider, through our OLC or through us. We would have an Instructional Designer meet with faculty to evaluate a past or current course in order to determine if all or some of the teaching online certification could be waived.

      Karen Guthmiller made motion; Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

      Emergency Issue: Sarah Tidwell:

      i. Miscellaneous (1539) C Rule Courses
      Add six courses to the list of courses that establish college readiness in writing (C-Rule Courses). The online catalog does not provide pagination, but here are the breadcrumbs to the relevant section: Admissions, Registration & Enrollment - Texas Success Initiative - Transfer Students & College Readiness.
      PYSC 2301; GOVT 2301; GOVT 2302; SOCI 1301; GOVT 2306

      Karen Guthmiller motioned; Seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion passes unanimously.

      Sarah Tidwell sent an email after to above Motion had been passed stating that HIST 1301 and HIST 1302 were to be included in the "C Rule" Emergency Request (1539). Joe Ganakos and Dr. Doug Walcerz approved these courses to be added to Request (1539) prior to it being approved by CAAC.

  4. Open Forum

    1. November 17 will be a longer than usual meeting. We will have a "Special Called" meeting in January for the Pathways changes on an "as needed" basis. The Requests will need to be entered by November 13. The ideal situation is a first reading second reading perspective if we can convene the subcommittee and charge them essentially.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
