Kids at College: Teacher Information

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Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications are needed to teach at a Kids at College camp?

  • High school diploma or equivalent (G.E.D.)
  • Must document related work experience, certification(s) or associate degree in the area of study
  • Able to work individually with diverse ages and population
  • Friendly, positive, and courteous
  • Act with discretion, and maintain confidentiality
  • Ability to climb stairs, stand, walk, bend, and kneel
  • Must demonstrate knowledge of class subject matter

How do I apply for a teaching position?
View the job description and apply.

I have an idea for a camp? What do I do now?
Fantastic! We'd love to hear all about it! Please fill out this Course Proposal Template (PDF) and email the completed form to us at Please use "Kids at College Proposal" as the subject line. Alternatively, you may email Rhonda directly for a Word doc version of the course proposal, should you wish to fill it out using Word.

What needs to be included in the course proposal?
Start with the basics, including the dates of your camp, times, ages, and instructor contact information (that's you!). Summarize each day with the activities you would plan. Also include any prerequisites that would be required for your class. (For example, if you're teaching water polo, a prerequisite might be that students know how to swim.) Include any supplies the student needs to bring. (For example, a water polo student would be required to wear a swimsuit, bring a towel, non-slip shoes, a change of clothing, etc.)
After the basics are filled out, break your camp down by day. List each day of the week that the camp would run, and describe the activities in detail, including the supplies you (as the instructor) would need, what the students will learn, what the students will do, etc.
If you would like to see an example of a completed course proposal, please contact us at
Feeling overwhelmed? Don't be! We are here to help if you get stuck!

What kind of camp can I submit a proposal for?
Literally ANYTHING. If you have experience in the subject and love to teach, we want to hear from you! Math, dance, water polo, soccer, computers, games, science, nature … the sky is the limit. If you have an idea for a camp that you'd love to teach, please fill out a course proposal and contact us today!

Who pays for the supplies for the camp I teach?
We do! You have the option of purchasing the items yourself and providing us the receipts or providing us with an exact list of items. Supplies may be picked up at our office at 909 Decker Drive, Baytown, prior to the start of class. NOTE: If you purchase the items yourself, you will not be eligible for reimbursement for the taxes.
If you are providing us with a list of supplies, please be as detailed as possible and include the item, cost, quantity (per student, one for every two students, one per class, etc.), and where to purchase the item (Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc.).

What do I (the instructor) need to provide?
Instructors are responsible for providing a lesson plan, course syllabus, and supply lists (all included in the course proposal) to the Community Education department. We will work with you to help develop these documents, if necessary.
If you have supplies you are willing to share/bring from home, you are welcome to do so. Please note that any item brought from home is not eligible for reimbursement as part of the class supplies. By agreeing to bring items from home, the instructor is releasing the college of any responsibility if the item is damaged, lost, or broken while in class. All items purchased by the Community Education department must be returned to the department once the class is completed.

I still have questions. Whom do I contact?
Please contact us at >or call 281.425.6311.
