Student Conduct

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The Lee College policies regarding student conduct are contained in the college catalog which is produced and distributed each year. Questions regarding disciplinary procedures, student rights, and responsibilities should be referred to the catalog.

On-campus incidents which (a) disrupt the learning environment of the campus, (b) threaten the safety or security of students, staff, or faculty, (c) involve the destruction of private or college property, or (d) include violations of local, state, or federal law should be reported to Security Services at extension 6888 or 281.425.6888 immediately. Persons who witness violent altercations — or potentially violent altercations — should not place themselves at risk, but should call Security Services immediately. Security will be pleased to escort persons who feel threatened to their classes or cars.

Obtaining Information About and/or Locating Students
Persons who come to the campus to obtain information about particular students or to locate students who are in class should be directed to the Admissions and Records Office. Persons who call the college asking that messages be delivered to students should be referred to the office of the Dean of Student Development (281.425.6400). If the call is made after hours, the caller should be directed to the college switchboard (281.427.5611). Classes will be interrupted only in emergencies.

Students with a child at the Diana Gray Child Care Center should furnish the Center’s front desk with a copy of their schedule stating class time and locations, their beeper and/or cell phone number.

Non-Students on Campus
Lee College maintains an open campus and welcomes visitors to it. Non-students are subject to the same rules as students, including those designed to ensure the preservation of the college’s learning environment. Consequently, visitors who become disruptive may be asked to leave the campus.

Use of Campus Facilities
Campus facilities such as the tennis courts, library, snack bar, and Campus Store are provided for the use of students, faculty, and staff. As a rule, non-students are not barred from these facilities; however, they may be asked to leave if classes are in progress or if their presence prevents students and/or college employees from using a facility. Consequently, persons who use college facilities may be asked to produce identification proving that they are affiliated with the college in some manner.

The game room, weight room, Wellness Center and gymnasium are areas to be used only by persons with a student ID in their possession at the time of the facility usage. Student IDs can be obtained in the Lee College Library.
