Construction Contracts

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Construction and Repair Contracts $10,000 or More

Construction and repair contracts $10,000 or more require advertisement for competitive bids in accordance with Texas Education Code.

The Purchasing Department advertises all bids in one daily local newspaper. Copies of contract documents for major construction projects are placed on file with the Associated General Contractors, Association of Minority Contractors, Contractors Association of Spanish Speaking Americans, and Dodge Reports.

Bids are publicly opened at least three weeks from the date of advertisement in the newspaper. After the bid opening, the bids are tabulated and a recommendation for award of bid to the lowest responsible bidder is prepared. Bids in excess of $10,000 for construction and repairs will require bid, performance and payment bonds.

Recommendation for award of bid for construction and renovation contracts $25,000 or more are taken to the Lee College District Board of Regents for approval of award. After approval by the Board of Regents, a contract is executed between the contractors and Lee College District to include all items necessary for proper execution and completion of the work. Vendors will work with the Dean of Administrative Services or the Director of Physical Plant to provide all the necessary documentation: Payment and Performance Bonds, Proof of Insurance, List of Subcontractors, Schedule of Values, and Proof of Workers' Compensation.

Payment of Construction and Repair Contracts $10,000 or More

The Dean of Administrative Services submits a notarized application for payment executed by the contractor through the architect and signed by the owner representatives. The Business Office will issue a check within a week of receiving the application from the Dean of Administrative Services .

Applications for final payment on contracts $10,000 or more require the submission of several documents before final payment is made. Documents include:

  • Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment
  • Contractors Affidavit of Release of Liens
  • Contractors Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims
  • Subcontractors and Material Suppliers Released and Guarantees
  • City of Baytown Certification of Occupancy
  • Key Turnover Transmittal signed by the Director of Physical Plant