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The Pur­chas­ing Of­fice of the Lee Col­lege Dis­trict is or­gan­ized and ad­min­is­tered as a div­ision of the col­lege's Financial Services division.

The Pur­chas­ing De­part­ment's goal is to pro­mote the best in­ter­ests of the Lee Col­lege Dis­trict and the people it serves through in­tel­li­gent ac­tion and fair deal­ing, which will re­sult in mini­miz­ing cost and ob­tain­ing the maxi­mum pro­jec­ted val­ue for each dol­lar of ex­pendi­ture.

Lee College District supports and encourages historically under-utilized businesses and therefore is committed to the principles of equal opportunity for all businesses.

The function of the Purchasing Department is to organize and administer procurement policies of Lee College District in accordance with the authority delegated by the Board of Regents and the State of Texas.

The Purchasing Department has the sole authority to negotiate for the purchase of supplies, equipment, and services. Lee College District will not assume obligation or liabilities without the prior approval of the Purchasing Agent.

Major construction contracts are the responsibility of the Vice President of Finance and Administration/CFO, with the Purchasing Department being responsible for the advertising of bids and public bid openings.
