Interlibrary Loan Policy

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The Interlibrary loan service exists for the purpose of borrowing library materials (usually books and articles) which are not owned by the Lee College Library. Additionally, items may be borrowed if their status is that of missing or if items have been checked out of the Lee College Library for an extended period of time and have not been returned.


The Interlibrary Loan service is free to currently enrolled students and employees of Lee College. Their library accounts must be in good standing.

Requests will not be accepted from students beginning 3 weeks before the end of an academic term.


Usually books and articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Some libraries will not loan certain materials. For example, many will not lend:

  • recently published items
  • genealogy materials
  • best sellers
  • textbooks
  • audio visual materials (CDs, DVDs)
  • reference books
  • rare items
  • valuable items
  • books in poor condition

How much?

Though Lee College charges nothing for the interlibrary loan service, occasionally, an item will only be available from a library that charges for ILLs. The Lee College Library will only borrow the item with the patron’s agreement to pay the fee.

How many?

Lee College students may not borrow more than 3 items at one time.

How long?

It may take up to two weeks to receive interlibrary materials.

The length of time patrons may use the borrowed item is determined by lending library.

Some libraries will renew borrowed items. Individuals must notify the Lee College librarian who works in the interlibrary loan department at least 4 days before the due date if there is a request to renew materials.

Articles borrowed via ILL do not need to be returned.

Late fines

Fines for overdue ILLs are 50 per day.

Individuals who have overdue interlibrary loans will be blocked from participating in the Lee College Interlibrary Loan program.
