Circulation Policy

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The Lee College Library Circulation Policy exists to facilitate access to the library’s collection by the Lee College community and to protect that collection so that it remains available for all to use.

Authorized Users

The following patrons automatically have library privileges. Library cards are not needed for printing.
  • All Lee College employees.
  • Currently enrolled Lee College students.
  • Currently enrolled LC Community Education students (evidence of current enrollment in CE is required).

The following patrons have library privileges and need library cards (provided at the Library Circulation Desk):

  • Verified members of the Lee College Alumni Association
  • Area educators with a current school ID (Anahuac, Barbers Hill, Crosby, and Goose Creek ISDs.
  • Lee College retired Faculty and Staff

Community members who do not fit into one of the above categories may purchase a College Library card for an annual fee of $15.
Community members’ borrowing privileges are more restrictive than those of Lee College students or employees.
We participate in TexShare and accept valid TexShare cards issued by participating libraries.

  • TexShare patrons must bring a current photo ID and the TexShare card issued by their home library in order to check out Lee College library materials.


The library will not check out materials to any patron attempting to use another patron’s information. We also strongly discourage patrons from checking out materials for others through their personal library account. The cardholder will be held responsible for any fines or fees charged to his/her account.

Checking out/Renewing items

Materials may be renewed in person at the Circulation Desk, by telephone 281.425.6379 or online through patron accounts in the online Library Catalog. Log-in using your myLC username and the last 4 digits of your telephone number as the password. Most print material may be renewed twice, with the exception of course reserves. Each renewal period will be the same length as the original loan period. Most non-print materials may be renewed once. Materials placed on hold by another patron are not renewable. Overdue fines must be paid before the item can be renewed.

Loan Periods and Limits

Lee College Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni, can check out up to 30 items at one time. Patrons are limited to seven items on the same subject and two items on the same standardized test (for example, the NCLEX, THEA or GED exams). TexShare patrons are limited to five check-outs of printed material and only one renewal. The usual loan periods are as follows:

Students: maximum of 30 items with the following limits:

  • limited to 7 (seven) per subject
  • checkout period: 21 (twenty-one) days
  • 2 (two) renewals permitted in most cases

DVDs & other audiovisual materials:

  • limited to 7 (seven)
  • checkout period: 3 (three) days
  • 1 (one) renewal permitted

Course reserves/textbook collection:

  • Varies, based on instructor’s preference. Ask at Circulation Desk

Faculty (full and part-time)* & Administrators: maximum of 30 items with the following limits:

  • checkout period: 90 days
  • 2 renewals

DVDs & other audiovisual materials

  • checkout period: 7 (seven) days
  • 2 (two) renewals

Lee College staff: maximum of 30 items with the following limits:

  • limited to 7 (seven) per subject
  • checkout period: 21 (twenty-one) days
  • 2 (two) renewals permitted in most cases

DVDs & other audiovisual materials

  • limited to 7 (seven)
  • checkout period: 3 (three) days
  • 1 (one) renewal permitted in most cases

Community Education Students: maximum of 7 items with the following limits:

  • checkout period: 21 (twenty-one) days
  • 2 (two) renewals permitted in most cases

DVDs & other audiovisual materials:

  • checkout period: 3 (three) days
  • 2 (two) renewals permitted

Alliance/Retirees/Friends of the Library: maximum of 10 books with the following limits:

  • limited to 7 (seven) per subject
  • checkout period: 21 (twenty-one) days
  • 2 (two) renewals permitted in most cases

Community Membership (paid): maximum of 7 books with the following limits:

  • limited to 7 (seven) per subject
  • checkout period: 21 (twenty-one) days
  • 2 (two) renewals permitted in most cases

TexShare patrons: maximum of 5 books with the following limits:

  • limited to 5 (five) per subject
  • checkout period: 21 (twenty-one) days
  • 1 (one) renewal permitted in most cases

* Note: Upon request, faculty due dates may be extended.

Overdue Materials

The library encourages all patrons to return materials on time; keeping library materials past their due dates deprives others in the Lee College community from having access to library resources.


The library charges overdue fines at the rate of:

  • 10 per day for print materials, except reserve items.
  • 50 per hour for printed course reserve materials and textbooks.
  • $1.00 per day for non-print materials
  • $5.00 per hour for Laptops

Library fines can be paid at the circulation desk or at the Business Office.

Paying with Credit Card:

The Business Office can accept credit card payments. If you wish to pay with a credit card you can contact the Circulation Desk at 281.425.6379 to find out the amount of your fine, we will inform the Business Office with your fine amount. You can then pay the fine at the Business Office in Moler Hall; they will call us with the Receipt number. At that time we will remove the fine and any holds from PeopleSoft. It is not necessary for you to return to the Library after paying your fine in the Business Office.

Overdue notices

Patrons are responsible for remembering the due dates of their library materials and returning them on time. Overdue notices are sent to patrons as a courtesy to remind them that they have kept library materials past their due date. Overdue notices are sent seven days after an item is due. Notices are emailed to patrons with an email address on record.


If a student has not returned overdue library materials by the end of the semester in which they were checked out, a hold will be placed on the student’s records, preventing the student from receiving grades, transcripts, or registering for subsequent semesters. If a student has overdue course reserve materials, a hold will be placed on his/her records one week after the due date of the item. All library fines must be paid before the hold will be removed.

Lost or Damaged Materials

The library charges patrons for lost and irreparably damaged materials. Library staff will assess all damaged materials to determine whether they can be repaired. Lost materials must be paid for at the Circulation Desk (cash or check) or the Business Office (credit card). Patrons will be charged the current replacement cost of the item, plus a $10 processing fee.

Items overdue for more than one year are assumed to be lost and are removed from the system. At that point, patrons are responsible for paying for the replacement cost of the item plus the processing fee even if they return the item to the library.

Course Reserves

Lee College faculty may place materials on course reserve for use by their classes on a semester-by-semester basis. All items placed on reserve must conform to U.S. copyright laws and standard practices. Faculty designate check out periods of 3 hours, 1 day, 3 days or 1 week for their reserved materials. Three-hour reserves must be used in the Library. For more detailed information on how faculty can place a reserve, see our course reserve procedures.

Physical (not electronic) course reserve items are located at the Circulation Desk. Electronic reserves a available via the library catalog.

Between Semesters

Students may not check out library materials when not actively enrolled in classes. If the student has an incomplete in a class they can check out the material needed to finish their work for their class.

Library Meeting & Study Rooms

Lee College faculty and staff
Faculty and staff may reserve library meeting rooms. At least 1 week advance notice is appreciated.
Room reservations may be made at the Circulation Desk, by phone (281.425.6379) or by emailing
Front Study Rooms (by the Circulation Desk):

  • These rooms are available to reserve for 2 hour increments.
  • To use a room please sign in at the Circulation Desk.
  • Groups of 4 or more students have priority over individuals and smaller groups. Smaller groups can use these rooms, but will be asked to leave if a larger group needs the room, whether or not the larger group has a reservation.
  • At least 4 people from the group must be present in the room at the allotted time. If not, after 15 minutes, a group of 4 or more may take that time slot.
  • If the next time slot is empty the group in the room can request another 2 hours.

Back Study Rooms (by the Reference Desk): May be used by individuals or small groups on a first-come, first-served basis regardless of group size.


Laptop computers are available for in-library use. Students may check out the laptops in two-hour increments. At the Circulation Desk you will receive a list of rules concerning the laptops and you will need to sign a form showing that you have read and agree to the rules that are stated. The fine for a Laptop is $5 per hour that the computer is overdue. Students are responsible for any damage to the computer that occurs during their checkout time.


Students do not need a Lee College picture ID to make a print account. Just go to the Add Value station near the Reference desk to create and to add money to your print account. More information about printing.
