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Lee College Education Center - South Liberty County

Three people in shadows stand underan outdoors covering at the Liberty campus, a welcome banner overheadThe Lee Col­lege Edu­ca­tion Cen­ter – South Lib­er­ty Coun­ty of­fers resi­dents in the sur­round­ing areas the chance to pur­sue a wide range of edu­ca­tion­al op­por­tunit­ies right in their own back yard. The center of­fers a wide ar­ray of pro­grams. Dual-cred­it clas­ses for lo­cal high school stu­dents, core clas­ses for adult learn­ers wish­ing to pur­sue a col­lege degree, work­force and com­muni­ty edu­cation cour­ses, and work­shops.

The Lee College Education Center - South Liberty County initially opened in January 2016 with the support and encouragement of elected officials, economic development organizations, school superintendents and other leaders. The Dayton Community Development Corporation and Liberty Community Development Corporation each provided grants of more than $191,000 to help cover the costs of computers, lab equipment, technology, learning materials and other resources needed at the new facility. In addition, the Greater Texas Foundation invested more than $850,000 to help with seed funding for operational costs.

Lee College remains committed to expanding educational opportunities for residents of Liberty and Chambers counties and recently renovated and converted classroom space to open a new Cosmetology. The opening of the cosmetology program at the Lee College Education Center in South Liberty County expands the technical programs offered at the center to include process technology, logistics, electrical technology, and cosmetology which prepare students for entering the workforce.

In addition to technical programs, the center has expanded its core curriculum course offerings to include evening transfer courses for residents seeking to begin their educational journey close to home. The center hosts dual-credit classes that allow students in five neighboring school districts — Anahuac, Dayton, Liberty, Hardin and Hull-Daisetta — to earn a college credential by the time they graduate from high school. 

The center also provides nearby residents with a variety of workforce and community education courses, including an emergency medical technician program, enrichment courses and Kids at College summer camps. Business and industry can take advantage of the center for corporate training customized to fit their workforce development needs.
