Mail Center and Switchboard

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The Lee College Mail Center is located in John Britt Hall, next to the print shop in the rear of the building.

The Mail Center staff can be reached at the main campus switchboard: 281.427.5611.

Mailing Guidelines

Business-Related Outgoing Mail:

Outgoing mail that is to be metered needs to be dropped into the “Outgoing Mail” bucket. (The Mail Center treats all mail that is to be metered as First Class unless otherwise marked.)

Outgoing mail that is to be metered must have the “Lee College” return address in the upper left hand corner.

Mail dropped off Monday-Thursday must be in the Mail Center by 2 p.m., Friday by 12 p.m.

Lee College
P.O. Box 818
Baytown, TX 77522-0818

The name of the department that is to be billed must also be in the return address. If it is not, the mail will be returned to the department for verification.

Standard #10 envelopes do not have to be sealed. If you choose not to seal them, please make sure the flaps are open and flapped over.

Envelopes larger than the standard #10 size must be sealed before they are brought to the Mail Center.

Personal Outgoing Mail:

Personal outgoing mail may be dropped off into the “Outgoing Mail” bucket, but it must have postage affixed. Stamps are available for purchase in the Campus Store located in Moler Hall. The Mail Center does not sell stamps.

Other Mailing Options:

The Lee College Mail Center also provides help with:

  • USPS Priority Mail
  • USPS Express Mail
  • USPS Certified Mail

For supplies and/or quotes on costs for these services, please speak to one of the Mail Center staff at ext. 6326. Mail that is to be sent by other carriers such as: UPS, FedEx, or DHL should be directed to the office of Shipping and Receiving at ext. 6526.

Bulk Mailing Guidelines:

  1. A minimum of 200 pieces is required.
  2. The pieces must be identical in size, weight, and content. No personal messages can be added. The only difference in the piece should be the addresses.
  3. The department name and the Lee College return address must be on each piece.
  4. Bulk mail is for domestic use only. Foreign mail cannot be included; Mexico and Canada are considered foreign.
  5. A nonprofit permit imprint (indicia) must be in the upper, right-hand corner and must be legible. It can be preprinted, or we can hand-stamp each envelope using the rubber stamp. Please notify the print shop for the non-profit imprint.
  6. Please have all mail in ZIP code order. Also, provide an Excel or Word document with ZIP codes in order and the number of pieces per ZIP code.
  7. Postcards are acceptable, but they must be an appropriate size. Minimum size is 3x5 , maximum 4x6.
  8. The mail room equipment will seal size #10 envelopes. Please call ahead of time to let us know you will be bringing them, so we can arrange our schedule.
  9. Plan ahead. Bulk mailings take longer to get into the system. Plan for a one-week delivery time from the date the mail reaches the Baytown Post Office for a destination of 100 miles or less.

Switchboard Services

The switchboard operator receives incoming calls to the campus switchboard and directs them to the appropriate persons or departments. The switchboard operates:

      • Mon.-Tue.: 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
      • Wed.-Thu.: 7:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m.
      • Fri.: 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

The switchboard operator can be reached by dialing: 281.427.5611 or by dialing “0” while on campus. To transfer a call to the switchboard operator, dial “TRANSFER, 0, TRANSFER.”
