About Information Technology

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The Office of Information Technology of Lee College develops, implements and manages the enterprise information systems that support the college’s core business processes. Systems include student, financial, human resources, procurement, facilities, instructional, library and other systems. An integrated and secure approach, including an information environment for management decision support and reporting is central to these information systems. The division also manages a secure, stable computing infrastructure to support all Lee College information systems.

The Office of Information Technology is Lee College’s technology resource for academic and administrative support and services. Support services include Help Desk, Blackboard Online Course Delivery, myLC Campus Student Registration/Grades/Course Catalog Information System, Computing Labs, Employee Portal, Network Engineering, Applications Support, Programming, Telecommunications, PeopleSoft Database Administration, ACEware Student Manager, Grants, Videoconferencing, Photography, Audio/Visual Support and Mail/Switchboard Services.

The Office of Information Technology engages in a wide range of activities that collectively support the administration, faculty, staff and students of Lee College. From providing general information for external reporting to coordinating outcomes assessment, the office collects and communicates information to support the continual growth of the Lee College. The office is also responsible for providing Lee College administration and faculty with information that supports institutional planning, policy formation and decision making; for coordinating responses to inquiries for college-related information and serving as a comprehensive source for information about Lee College.
