Hispanic-Serving Institution

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What is a Hispanic-Serving Institution?

A Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) is defined as an institution of higher education that:

  • is an eligible institution; and
  • has an enrollment of undergraduate, full-time equivalent students that is at least 25 percent Hispanic students at the end of the award year immediately preceding the date of application.

Department of Education logo, United States of AmericaU.S. Department of Education Mission

The Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Division provides grant funding to institutions of higher education to assist with strengthening institutional programs, facilities, and services to expand the educational opportunities for Hispanic Americans and other underrepresented populations.

Programs under Lee College HSI Department STEM Grant

The purpose of the Hispanic-Serving Institutions – Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (HSI STEM) and Articulation Programs is to: (1) increase the number of Hispanic and other low-income students attaining degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics; and (2) to develop model transfer and articulation agreements between two-year and four-year institutions in such fields.

Title V

The Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program provides grants to assist HSIs to expand educational opportunities for — and improve the attainment of — Hispanic students. These grants also enable HSIs to expand and enhance their academic offerings, program quality, and institutional stability.

Peer Mentoring at Lee College

Beginning in the Fall of 2018, with assistance from a Title V Grant, Lee College will begin providing peer mentorship for students that have recently earned lower than a 2.0 GPA (C average) in the following majors:

  • General Studies
  • Undeclared
  • Management (including all certificate related programs: Marketing, Supervision, International Business, Entrepreneurship)
  • Accounting
  • Speech Communications
  • Spanish
  • Education
  • Child Development

Though students in the above majors will receive additional outreach, ALL Lee College students are encouraged to bond with Peer Mentors. Peer Mentors help connect students to campus resources and enhance academic experiences at Lee College.

What Can a Peer Mentor Do for You?

  • Help you navigate resources on campus, including helping make appointments with tutors, the Writing Center, academic advisors or counselors, etc.
  • Help you apply for Lee College scholarships if you qualify
  • Discuss time management, organization, note taking, and problem solving
  • Review how to communicate with professors
  • Help you better understand Lee College processes, such as registration
  • Provide one on one and group discussions on issues that affect you

Where Can You Find Us?

We are located in the Learning Hub in Moler Hall 115. When you arrive let the front desk know you would like to speak to a Peer Mentor and we’ll let you know if one is available. If a mentor is not available we will do our best to assist you. You can also make an appointment with a mentor for a time that is convenient for you by stopping by the STEM Center, or by calling 281.425.6808.

Become a Peer Mentor

The Peer Mentoring Program is an important part of student success at Lee College. Peer Mentors are trained to assist students in a variety of academic and non-academic issues, are expected to work collaboratively with their peers, and are expected to promote a positive college climate. Additionally, the following qualifications are required:

  • Possess a strong desire to help students.
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher.
  • Successful completion of at least 15 hours at Lee College.
  • Currently enrolled at Lee College with a working knowledge of Lee College student procedures.
  • Ability to commit to a minimum of 45 hours of service per semester plus a 5 hour training the week before the semester starts.
  • Availability for some evening and/or weekend activities.
  • Must have good communication and interpersonal skills to perform successfully in a multicultural and diverse environment.
  • Ability to abide by a confidentiality agreement.
  • A self-starter not afraid to try something new.
  • Ability to receive and work with supervisor feedback.

Responsibilities of a Peer Mentor include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Weekly communication with students on academic warning.
  • Hold office hours to assist both walk-in students and appointments with Lee College processes.
  • Connect students with appropriate college resources.
  • Create and present workshops for students.
  • Host one social event or gathering for students per semester.
  • Implement suggestions from your supervisor into your mentoring practice.
  • Comply with Lee College policies and procedures.
  • Attend mandatory training and meetings.
  • Assist with Learning Hub operations and activities as needed.
  • Complete end of the semester reflection and evaluation.

Why Be a Peer Mentor?

In addition to a $400 scholarship and $250 stipend per semester, Peer Mentors also gain experience in a variety of transferable skills such as leadership, communication, collaboration, project management, teamwork, and creativity. They also get to give back to Lee College and fellow students.

A select group of students will be chosen through an application and interview process.
For more information, contact:

Hugo Gonzalez
Learning Support Services Manager

Puente Mentoring

The Puente Program was launched at Lee College in 2012 with the mission of increasing the number of academically under-served students who want to transfer or enroll in four-year college or universities, earn college degrees, and return to their communities as mentors and leaders. Puente is a nationally recognized mentoring program that has helped students achieve their college goals through innovative accelerated writing instruction, intensive academic assessment, and through the guidance of members of the professional community.

Meet the HSI Department

Moler Hall, Room 107

Brenda Garcia
Secretary, Retention & Transition Services

Moler Hall, Room 115

Kassandra Flores
Puente Coordinator
Hugo Gonzalez
Learning Support Services Manager

Moler Hall, Room 117

Diana Terry
Title V Grant, Project Director

Important College Services

  • Admissions & Records: 281.425.6393
  • Business Office: 281.425.6324
  • Advising/Counseling: 281.425.6384
  • Financial Aid: 281.425.6389
  • Library: 281.425.6379
  • Student Success Center: 281.425.4578
  • Veterans Center: 832.556.4300
  • Campus Tours: 281.425.6260
  • Student Employment Office: 281.425.6572