About the Puente Program

The Puente Program was launched at Lee College in 2012 with the mission of increasing the number of academically underserved students who want to transfer/enroll in four-year colleges/universities, earn college degrees, and return to their communities as mentors and leaders. Puente is a nationally recognized mentoring program that has helped students achieve their college goals through their innovative accelerated writing instruction, intensive academic assessment, and through the guidance of members of the professional community.
In an effort to promote student success, Lee College is continuing to implement the Puente Mentoring Program.
Let US be your bridge to college success! Puente is a nationally recognized mentoring program that has helped students achieve their college goals through a variety of program resources.
Your Puente Program coordinator, Dr. Javier Ramirez, will …
- Assist you with navigating our college system
- Advocate on your behalf
- Provide on-campus and off-campus resource referrals
- Offer faculty mentorship
Program Resources Include:
- College and career advising
- Placed in classes with a group of Puente students
- Student matched with a mentor
- Textbook lending
- Scholarship assistance
- Learn strategies for college success
- Participate in culturally enriched activities
- Engage in hands-on active learning in classrooms
- Service-learning opportunities
- University tours
- Support network and leadership opportunities for minority male students interested in education
- STEM majors may qualify for scholarship funds
Special Note for Pre-Engineering Students: You may qualify for our NextGen Program that provides all the benefits above plus an opportunity for a full-ride scholarship at Lee College and assistance transferring to a four-year university.
To qualify for the Puente Program:
- ANY student pursuing an associate degree
- ENROLL fall and spring with Puente
- ALL students welcomed
- Must need EDUC 1200 AND one of the following courses:
- ENRD 100/401
- ENRD 402/ENGL 1301
- ENGL 1301