Safety and Security Committee Minutes: 2016-0711

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Notes – Lee College

July 11, 2016



Steve Evans, Karen Seratt, Jr. Velez, Karen Guthmiller, , Mark Jaime, Marti Covington, Harry Pang, John Elliott, Scott Bennett, Tom Sandoval,


Mike Spletter, Daniel Christie, Troy Oehler, Rosetta Mourer, Leslie Gallagher, Delma Garcia, Sam Ortellono

STEVE EVANS REPORT/ All items are still awaiting cabinet discussion.

Follow-up: Fire Marshall Designations for each building have been made. Instructions and more information will be forth coming.

Follow-up: We need a process for evacuation for all buildings. – This item will be taken to the cabinet for input. There needs to be a primary and secondary option. This item is still pending for cabinet review


  1. Fire drill plan for the fall and spring semester for 3 years: science building every year

-2016-2017 Plan approved by committee.

  1. Parking lot lights and camera update

-As per meeting 7/11/2016 the lighting will be part of phase 3 and the cameras will be the next phase.

  1. Status of spiral emergency booklets-
    1. Susan Smedley is currently working and will come up with an abbreviated version for distribution for employees on PDD./ Still need one for students; possibly an app?
    2. Captain Velez came up with list to follow in case of need of evacuation.
  2. Sidewalk assessment

-RFP will be going out shortly.

  1. Faculty parking assessment-Due to construction; this is still in the works.
  1. Active Shooter drill schedule

-Captain Velez to put together tentative dates. As of right now, Harris County has denied us radio service.

  1. TASB-Safety Management Training

-Awaiting TASB; Mark Jaime to get Chuck Kennedy’s contact number.

  1. John Elliott to assist Susan Smedley in developing a more user friendly map for distribution by this coming Tuesday.


Scott Bennett- We need to look into the safety of the information desk as we had an employee that was grabbed by a student.

Harry Pang- There are several doors on campus that cannot be locked from the inside.

Approved Fire Drill Schedule

Semester Location Possible Week of Drill

Fall 16 TV 1 & Science October 24-28

Spring 17 Rundell March 27-30

Fall 17 TV 8 & Science October 23-26

Spring 18 Bonner March 26-29

Fall 18 McNulty-Haddick October 22-25

Spring 19 Advance Technology Center March 25-28

Note: McNair Center needs to also have a schedule.

Note: Do we need Liberty to have a schedule?
