Safety and Security Committee Minutes: 2016-0502

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Safety and Security Committee Meeting

Agenda-Lee College

May 2, 2016

Steve Evans, Karen Seratt, Jr. Velez, Karen Guthmiller, Mike Spletter, Daniel Christie, Mark Jaime, Marti Covington, Harry Pang, John Elliott,

Scott Bennett, Troy Oehler, Rosetta Mourer, Tom Sandoval, Leslie Gallagher, Delma Garcia, Sam Ortellono

STEVE EVANS REPORT/ All items are still awaiting cabinet discussion.

Follow-up: Fire Marshall Designations are needed for each building- This item will be taken to the cabinet for input.

Follow-up: Protocol needed for visitor smoking at PAC performances.

Follow-up: We need a process for evacuation for all buildings.- This item will be taken to the cabinet for input. There needs to be a primary and secondary option.


  1. Fire drill plan for the fall and spring semester for 3 years: science building every year

-Karen Guthmiller currently working with Captain Velez to come up with schedule and a 3 year plan.

  1. Parking lot lights and camera update

-Meeting May 3rd with Johnson Controls

  1. Vending machine check for expired items

-RFP currently out to replace all vending machine items and possibility of bringing in food trucks

  1. Status of spiral emergency booklets-
    1. Susan Smedley’s team will be re-working new copy and flipbooks.
    2. Captain Velez to come up with list to follow in case of actual emergency for faculty.
  2. Plan for adding numbers to the inside of each room

-Exterior signage will be coming first and then we will follow up with labeling the interior rooms.

  1. Red phone checks & procedure for when no one answers

-Phones are programmed to roll over after 4 rings to the cell phone. JR to find out if we can shorten the transition time.

  1. Sidewalk assessment

-We are still identifying local vendors to start fixing the problem areas around campus.

  1. AED installations

-These are now complete.

  1. Faculty parking assessment

-There is no faculty parking on Rundell Hall side and once the nursing construction goes underway we will be losing even more parking spaces. We are still awaiting the assessment from the construction team on how many spaces that we are going to lose but hope to have an answer by fall.

  1. Shooter drill schedule

-Captain Velez to put together tentative dates as we are still awaiting radios from Harris County.

  1. TASB-Safety Management Training

-We should be using this at least 3X a year. Karen S. to send email to TASB.

  1. School Cancellations- Possible discussing at PDD

-From now on decision to close the campus will be made by 5AM and aligned with the GCCISD. Susan Smedley working on opt-in cards to send to the individual departments. We also need to be sure that we include the policy in our MOU’s for dual credit

  1. Campus Threat Assessment Strategies for Schools and Higher Education Institutions. Webinar link to be sent to committee

