CAAC Minutes: 2024-8-6

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Attendees: Joe Ganakos, Dr. Walcerz, Dr. Norris, Dr. Helen Manibusan, Dr. Carl Husband, Dr. Scott Bennett, Alexa-Marie Ramirez, Dana Woods, Waldo Collins, Roshele Friudenberg, Nicole Tunmire, Dr. Laura-Lane Worley, Karen Guthmiller, Regina Barrera, Jodi Rodriguez

  1. Approval of Minutes — Minutes from last meeting unavailable
  2. Officer Reports
    1. CAAC Chair: Joe Ganakos
      This will be Joe's last meeting as Chair, Alexa Marie Ramirez will assume role as chair starting in September
    2. CAAC Vice-Chair: Vacant. Roshele Friudenberg will assume role as Vice-Chair starting in September.
    3. CAAC Secretary: Mollie Santana — absent. Michael Carson will assume role as Secretary starting in September.
  3. Informational Items — Administration
    1. Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
      Deadline for core changes to submit to THECB is approaching. Let Dr. Walcerz know if you have any changes.
    2. AVP of Academic Affairs: Janena Norris
      No Report
    3. AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett
      This is the busiest time of year for student affairs — thank you all for cooperation.
    4. Registrar: Carl Husband
      No Report
    5. Executive Director of School & Transfer Partnerships: Marisa Moreno
    6. Director of Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
    7. Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo
    8. Director of Guided Pathways: Nicole Tunmire
      Pathways group will be meeting individually with each division to review degree and certificate plans
  4. IV. Old Business
  5. V. Informational Items — New Business
  6. VI. New Business
    1. Joe Ganakos
      1. Miscellaneous: CAAC Bylaw Amendments (1909)
        Motion: Roshele Friudenberg Second: Dana Woods
        Motion passes unanimously.
    2. Helen Manibusan
      1. Discontinue Course — Degree/Certificate: VNSG (1911) — WILL BE COVERED IN OTHER ITEMS
      2. Discontinue Degree/Certificate: LVN Certificate (1912)
      3. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1304 (1913)
      4. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1423 (1914)
      5. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 2431 (1915)
      6. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1260 (1916)
      7. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1331 (1917)
      8. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1429 (1918)
      9. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1432 (1919)
      10. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1460 (1920)
      11. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1230 (1921)
      12. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1234 (1922)
      13. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1219 (1923)
      14. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 2260 (1924)
        The above submissions are related to the closure of the LVN program.
        Motion: Roshele Friudenberg Second: Dana Woods
        Motion passes unanimously.
  7. VII. Open Forum
    1. *Question: Can incoming chair Alexa-Marie Ramirez and vice-chair Roshele Friudenberg remain as CAAC representatives?
      Answer: Yes.
    2. *Question: Will there be a CAAC meeting scheduled for PD week?
      Answer: No. September will be first meeting.

Meeting adjourned at:

Submitted by: Jodi Rodriguez, Sr. Administrative Specialist
