CAAC Minutes: 2024-8-4

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  1. Call to Order at 2 p.m.
  2. Approval of Minutes
    1. Minutes were not available for April; will be resolved in fall.
  3. Officer Reports
    1. 1. CAAC Chair: Joe Ganakos
      1. This is his last meeting, and leadership of CAAC will be turned over to Alexa Marie-Ramirez (Chair), Roshele Friudenberg (Vice-Chair), and Michael Carson (Secretary).
      2. Brief discussion of SACSCOC obligations for CAAC in the coming months.
    2. CAAC Vice-Chair: Vacant
      1. No report.
    3. CAAC Secretary: Michael Carson.
      1. Absent, no report.
  4. Informational Items — Administration
    1. Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
      1. No report.
    2. VP of Academic Affairs: Janena Norris
      1. No report.
    3. AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett
      1. Registration ongoing with confidence for AY2024/2025.
    4. Registrar: Carl Husband
      1. No report.
    5. Executive Director of School & Transfer Partnerships: Marisa Moreno
      1. Absent, no report.
    6. Director of Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
      1. No report.
    7. Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo
      1. No report.
    8. Director of Guided Pathways: Nicole Tunmire
      1. No report.
  5. Old Business
    1. None.
  6. Informational Items — New Business
    1. None.
  7. New Business
    1. 1909 – CAAC Bylaw Amendments — Second Reading
      1. Moved by R. Friudenberg, seconded by V. Hart.
      2. Per author J. Ganakos, various updates providing title changes for ad hoc members, new positions for CAAC officers, and minor edits for clarity.
      3. Motion passed unanimously.
    2. 1911-1924 — Discontinuance of LVN Certificate and removal of courses from the catalog associated with this change. Motion was accepted as a consent agenda.
      1. Moved by V. Hart, seconded by R. Freudenberg.
      2. Items encompass:
        2. Discontinue Degree/Certificate: LVN Certificate (1912)
        3. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1304 (1913)
        4. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1423 (1914)
        5. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 2431 (1915)
        6. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1260 (1916)
        7. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1331 (1917)
        8. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1429 (1918)
        9. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1432 (1919)
        10. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1460 (1920)
        11. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1230 (1921)
        12. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1234 (1922)
        13. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 1219 (1923)
        14. Discontinue Course — Catalog: VNSG 2260 (1924)
        15. H. Manibusan discussed rationale for discontinuance of course due to enrollment and strategic shift by healthcare industry away from the certificate basis. No courses in the LVN certificate would be in use by other programs and removal from the catalog was in keeping with best practices.
        16. Motion passed unanimously.
  8. Open Forum
    1. J. Ganakos thanked members for their hard work over the past year and thanked incoming CAAC officers. He also noted that he would remain on CAAC as a member.
  9. Adjournment
    1. Meeting adjourned at 2:41pm.