CAAC Minutes: 2020-04-20

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CAAC Minutes — April 20, 2020

Attendees: Joe Ganakos; Dana Woods; Paul Allen; Paul Arrigo; Vicki Hart; Bill Gammel; Scott Bennett; Ingrid Wallace; Jodi Rodriguez; Rosemary Coffman; Doug Walcerz; Charlotte Mueller; Donna Zuniga; Sarah Tidwell; Stewart Edwards; Carl Husband; Nicole Koretz; Nicole Tunmire; and Karen Guthmiller

I. Approval of Minutes

  1. March 2021
    March minutes will be approved in July.

    Involves multiple players not just the voting CAAC Members. Received a request from Nursing this morning, wanting to change contact hours, but not credit hours for Spring 2022. We are passed the cut off date for the catalogue. Dr. Walcerz has been asked for some input on how the state used the publication of the catalog whether a digital addendum is suitable. By continually creating the sliding scale, what we are doing is not only a disservice to those who manage the catalog, but we are not encouraging ownership of curriculum as it should be, which means fitting within certain scales. There have been major changes with the nursing department in the past semester, and since that technically has already passed, I suggest that these be fast tracked, with no objections. My argument is going to be that it is going to be a zero-tolerance policy unless it is a state mandated exception, effective, academic year 2021.

II. Informational Items - Administration

  1. VP of Instruction & PIER: Douglas Walcerz
    Nothing to share
  2. Executive Director – Enrollment Services: Scott Bennett
    Remind students that Summer and Fall registration is open.
  3. Carl Husband – Registrar
    Nothing to share
  4. Director - Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
    Student Advisement is available Monday through Thursday, 8 to 5 pm in Rundell Hall. They can also contact their advisor via email or phone.
  5. Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo

    Academic Honesty Violations & Trends
    FY 2019: 40
    FY 2020: 20
    FY 2021: 27

    Type of Violations
    Acquiring info – FY 20 rose, Why: 6 Nursing Students; Students more frustrated with online environment & competitiveness of the program
    Plagiarism – FY 20 Rates fell, Why: Fewer writing assignments

    Providing info

    Type of Class

    Type of Student
    Dual Enrollment

III. Old Business

No Old Business

IV. Informational Items – New Business

  1. Nicole Koretz
    1. Change/Update Course Requisite – PSYC 2317 (1599)
      Informational Item:
      PYSC 2317 – Supposed to have two Pre-Req.- Catalog should reflect PYSC 2301 and Math 1314 - Need to add Math 1314

V. New Business

  1. Officer Elections
    1. Chair
    2. Vice-Chair
      CAAC has been without a Vice-Chair since Sarah became an administrator.
      Joe Ganakos re-nominated himself for Chair. Karen Guthmiller seconded.
      If there are members of your division, who you think might consider this as a long-term project, please encourage them.

VI. Open Forum

Karen Guthmiller wanted to recognize all of Joe Ganakos’ hard work with CAAC. Need to encourage the newer faculty to get involved.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
