CAAC Minutes: 2021-03-23

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CAAC Minutes — March 23, 2021

Attendees: Joe Ganakos; Charles Ganze; Dana Woods; Paul Allen; Heather Morrill; Paul Arrigo; Vicki Hart; Bill Gammel; Scott Bennett; Ingrid Wallace; John Elliott; Jodi Rodriguez; Ray Whitlow; Rosemary Coffman; Paul Lucke; Doug Walcerz; Charlotte Mueller; Curtis White; Donna Zuniga; Roshele Friudenberg; Sarah Tidwell; Stewart Edwards; Tracy Steenholdt; Beverly Woodall; Carl Husband; and Karen Guthmiller

I. Approval of Minutes:

  1. November 2020 Minutes
  2. January 2021 Minutes
  3. February 2021 Minutes
    John Elliott made motion to approve the November 2020 Minutes; Paul Arrigo seconded.
    Motion passed unanimously.
    Charlotte Mueller made motion to approve the January 2021 Minutes; John Elliott seconded.
    Motion passed unanimously.
    February 2021 meeting canceled due to weather.

II. Informational Items - Administration

  1. VP of Instruction & PIER: Douglas Walcerz
    Nothing to share
  1. Executive Director – Enrollment Services: Scott Bennett
    Nothing to share
    Summer and Fall registration will begin in a couple of weeks.
  1. Executive Director – Assessment & Accreditation: Brandon Combs
    Not in attendance
  1. Director - Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
    Nothing to share
  1. Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo
    Nothing to share

III. Old Business

There's one thing that came to my attention today. We're kind of sitting on a couple of things regarding a change of requisites from our previous motion.

Jodi Rodriguez - We had a lot of Dev-Ed course changes. Some were removed from the catalog. Some were the names change, so as a result, it affects a lot of courses that have had them as prerequisites. Our new Watermark catalog system will do an automatic update once we start using the curriculum maintenance portion of it. There is a way to do a bulk change. Watermark can do that and it's relatively quick. However, I need to know the verbiage to change those prereqs to. For instance, there's 1 prereq, REBR or READ 300 is very prevalent in a lot of courses. I just need some help with the verbiage on that, so that I can go in and make the changes or have watermark do it.

Scott Bennett will set up a meeting to help with the changes.

Joe Ganakos - I will let you guys know in terms of the status of the Watermark project, since it came up now. We are hoping for a soft launch in the month of May and leading up to the July meeting will be running 2 parallel systems, the old system and obviously the new one. That way we can test it and make sure that all the links working. We have hopes of an August launch, so that all new business effective 2022-23 will be in the new Watermark integrated system. We're going to see that individual divisions no longer need to update course prerequisite, nor does there need to be a consent agenda. It'll happen automatically on that basis, that's going to save a lot of error checking on part for the catalog, but it also makes it a more intuitive system.

IV. Informational Items – New Business

Impromptu Chair Report
There are several things that do need to be addressed and 1 of them is some upcoming business that I'm going to ask for your patients with this week. It came to my attention today that there was a problem in switching over the chairs. I just got an email from Troy saying that he switched over check ins to Vicki Hart to reflect the chair duties. There was a lingering motion that should have really gone back with the original proposal regarding the cyber security degree. A request was made to include it today, in new business and to do so required the suspension of bylaws. I don't think it is good business because what we're doing it with a program, is not only will it go to the Board of Regents and in many cases, at least going to require a Sacs Advisory, that's a lot of pressure to put on this. And, I will say that I do believe that CAAC is a very necessary Element of shared governance. I know while that term is not always looked on kindly, it is about members of the Board of Regents. If we expect a seat at the table, we have to do our jobs. That means that any proposal that requires catalog inclusion must be submitted by appropriate deadlines. Often when these proposals come to the last 2nd, we don't actually review them. In fact, I've seen a relative lack of discussion on many of these motions, because we just assume that if somebody wants it, it must be good. I think that we need to take these things a bit more seriously. So effective next year, there will be no more light submissions unless it is of critical importance.
That being said, my proposal will be tomorrow, I'm going to issue a request for an email vote on the cyber security degree program. It is in CAAC or rather the maintenance menu, and it has been approved at the divisional level. My goal would be to give you 48 hours to review the initial proposal. At which point we would have another 48-hour window for review. In terms of discussion. I've asked, Vicky and Chuck participate as part of that process to help lead the discussion not just to answer questions, but also, with establishing their narrative for why this is necessary and why it needs to go in Fall 2021. Once that closes, my goal is to open up a vote on Monday of the of next week, and again, have a 24-hour window for votes. I would appreciate it whether you vote nay on the vote, I, or whether you abstain, you still respond to those things. We had a pretty low turnout for the last email vote. I am trying to make certain that all the members of the CAAC understand that if we want to be treated as a Co, equal branch, so to speak to use govern parlance. It needs to get more conscientious, both in terms of discussion and our willingness to review the documents that are sitting in the curriculum maintenance system.
In addition, at the next meeting we've got to establish a vice chair and discuss some proposals for the bylaws and including considering converting the secretary role to a faculty position. So far no one's contacted me with a willingness to be in the position of Vice chair.

V. New Business

  1. John Elliot
    1. Certificate - Welder Helper (1596)
      New certificate for welder helper
      An opportunity was identified whereby beginning next fall we may have the opportunity to attract a bus load of 50 students coming to McNair 4 days a week teaching these students the trades pipe fitting and welding and possibly even mill rights. The school districts have been going to San Jac, and their students have been availing themselves a welding certificate at the end of their term. Our certificate was way too many hours to fit with the schedule that we were looking at. We have a lower level certificate in the pipe fitting program, pipe fitter helper certificate, and it seemed like a no brainer to have a parallel certificate in Welding. It can be attained in one academic year.
      Paul Arrigo made motion to approve; Stewart Edwards seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.
  2. CAAC Proxy (for Provost)Removal of Non-Credit Course Prerequisites (1597)
    1. Based on a request from Dual Credit, the Provost recommends that ARTS 1301, ARTS 1303, BCIS 1305, DRAM 1310, EDUC 1200, and SPCH 1315 have their prerequisites eliminated.
      John Elliott made motion to approve; seconded by Dana Woods.
      Motion passes unanimously.
  3. Joe Ganakos
    1. Discussion of Officer Roles
      I've already said a few things about the nature of the discussion of officer roles and possible by law changes. I will be putting out several proposals for you guys to review over the next month. And again, we would review them and then vote on them at the July meeting.
    2. Discussion of Possible Bylaw Changes

VI. Open Forum

Deborah Harden is retiring after 30 years. We are putting together a scrapbook of emails and cards.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.

CAAC Called Meeting via Asynchronous Review (March 2021)

  • CM 1598: New Degree/Certificate (Computer and Information Systems Security / Information Assurance)
    John Elliott made motion to approve; seconded by Dana Woods.
    Motion passes.
  • The vote on CMR 1598 regarding the proposed Cybersecurity major closed as 11:59 a.m. today and has passed by affirmative vote of the CAAC via email balloting.

    Vote on CMR 1598 - April 2, 2021
CAAC Member Vote Cast
Allen Approve
Arrigo Approve
Bushart Approve
Edwards Approve
Elliot Approve
Gammel No Vote Cast
Ganakos Approve
Guthmiller Approve
Hart Approve
Jaroszewski Approve
Langley No Vote Cast
Miller No Vote Cast
Mueller Approve
Thomas No Vote Cast
Wallace No Vote Cast
Woods Approve

CAAC Called Meeting via Asynchronous Review (Feb. 2021)

  • CM 1594: New Course (HIST 2382 – African American History II)
  • CM 1595: New Course (HIST 2381 – African American History I)

Stewart Edwards made motion to approve; seconded by John Elliott.
Motion passes.

Colleagues — Items 1594 and 1595 pass by a majority vote (9 approve, 0 reject, 7 abstain). Votes are recorded below. For those who cast their votes, I appreciate your service to the college.

CAAC Member Vote Cast
Allen Abstain
Arrigo Approve
Bushart Abstain
Edwards Approve
Elliot Approve
Gammel Abstain
Ganakos Approve
Guthmiller Approve
Hart Approve
Jaroszewski Abstain
Langley Abstain
Miller Abstain
Mueller Approve
Thomas Abstain
Wallace Approve
Woods Approve