CAAC Minutes: 2018: 10-16

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CAAC Minutes: Oct. 16, 2018

Members Present:
Paul Allen; Doylean Sprauve; Vicki Hart; Karen Guthmiller; Bill Gammel; Veronique Tran; Paul Arrigo; Rosemary Coffman; Onimi Wilcox; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; Sarah Tidwell for Marylou Ortuvia and Rod Hellyer.

Members Not Present:
Howard Bushart; Keith Coleman; Andy Miller; Charles Thomas; Stewart Edwards; David Sholmire; Charlotte Mueller; and Ingrid Wallace.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. July 17, 2018 Meeting
      Karen Guthmiller motioned for approval; Paul Arrigo seconded.
      Approval unanimous.
    2. September 18, 2018 Meeting
      Vicki Hart motioned for approval; Rod Hellyer seconded.
      Approval unanimous.
  2. Informational Items
    1. VP of Instruction: Veronique Tran
      Mainly want to address the ongoing discussion regarding the Core Curriculum and the course to be composed for the Core. Dr. Tran and Dr. Wilcox are working to create the Core Curriculum Committee. This committee will be tasked with developing a process for Core Curriculum Assessment but also have a role in vetting proposals for Core Curriculum development. To clarify, when a course is proposed for the Core and it goes through the Division for approval (representation of the minutes) and then it goes to the Dean and finally to the CAAC. This is the Institutional process, but there is a whole package of materials that needs to be developed for it to go to the Coordinating Board. The College submits one time per year. We have until June 30th of each year to submit. Dr. Tran proposes no later than June 1st so that we can collect all the proposals and send them up in one package which then would be in affect the next Fall. We could have an earlier deadline for submission, but we would not get an answer for about two months. We need to decide when we want to designate as the deadline for the Institutional submission. The other part of it is that all the pieces that constitutes a package, we need to have a check list to make sure all supporting documents are in place.
      • Could have a submission date of May 15th – April is the last CAAC meeting prior to Fall, which makes it ideal.
      • Create a Rules and Calendar of submission deadlines
        • November being the “Hard” deadline for Catalog Submissions
        • April 15th being the “Hard” deadline for Core Submissions
        • Update the Bylaws so that there is Institutional memory
        • The initial vetting would go to the Core Curriculum Committee and then to CAAC

          To clarify, CAAC approval does not mean that now you can add it to the catalog as Core.
          The Coordinating Board is the final decision maker.

    2. Deans: Onimi Wilcox, Layton Childress
      Dr. Wilcox share about the Open House that is scheduled.
    3. Registrar: Scott Bennett
      Joe Ganakos shared that Scott has some changes in regards to the withdrawal process.
    4. Academic Integrity Taskforce: Paul Arrigo
  3. Old Business
  4. New Business
    1. Richard Tunstall
      1. Replace Course: CHEM 1419 (1270)
        Paul Arrigo made motion; Sarah Tidwell seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
    2. Francisca Castillo
      1. Misc.: Add SPAN 2312 (1271)
    3. Laura Lane-Worley
      1. New Course: SOCW 2389 (1275)
        A supervised experiential learning course designed to integrate program study with introductory exposure to the field of social work.
        Paul Arrigo made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
      2. Change/Update Course Description: SOCW 2361 (1276)
        An overview of the history and development of social work as a profession.
        Sarah Tidwell made motion; Bill Gammel seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
      3. Change/Update Course Description: SOCW 2362 (1277)
        This course offers a historical and contemporary examination of legislation and resulting programs, policies, and services in the context of the social welfare system in the United States.
        Rod Hellyer made motion; Sarah Tidwell seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
      4. Replace Course: SOCI 2319 to SOCW 2389 (1278)
        In order to add the Academic Cooperative and offer the full five course field of study, one of the courses in the current degree plan
        has to be removed to retain a 60 hour degree plan. SOCI 2319 is the only course that is not in the core and not in the field of study.
        Paul Arrigo made motion; Sarah Tidwell seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
    4. Rod Hellyer
      1. Replace Course: ITSC 1309 to BCIS 1305 (1279)
        Dropping the ITSC and replacing with the BCIS per ACGM.
        Bill Gammel made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Welding Inspection Tech (1280)
        Recommend elective change from ITSC 1309 to replace with BCIS 1305. No change in hours or credits. Motion was made at division meeting for BCIS change in Pipefitting and Welding areas and approved by all members.
        Karen Guthmiller made motion; Paul Arrigo seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
    5. Chuck Ganze
      1. Change/Update SCH: BCIS 1405 (1281)
        This will affect Computer and Graphics Tech AAS-CGT2, Computer and Graphics Tech II-CGT1, Computer and Graphics Tech I-CGR1, and Computer and Graphics Tech App Specialization – ASI.
        Paul Arrigo made motion; Bill Gammel seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
      2. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ITSC 1309 (1282)
        This will affect Computer and Network Maintenance Tech AAS-CNET2, Cosmetology AAS- C12, Game Development Specialist AAS – GADS2, Game Development Specialist Certificate – GAS1. Health Info – Medical Transcription Certificate MR1, Health Info – Coding – Certificate CD1, Law Enforcement AAS – LE2, Law Enforcement Certificate – LE1, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate LOG1, Logistics and Supply Management Certificate LOM1, Pipefitting Tech AAS – PF2
        Karen Guthmiller made motion; Sarah Tidwell seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
      3. Replace Course: ITSC 1309 to BCIS 1305 (1283)
        This will affect Computer and Network Maintenance Tech AAS-CNET2, Cosmetology AAS- C12, Game Development Specialist AAS – GADS2, Game Development Specialist Certificate – GAS1. Health Info – Medical Transcription Certificate MR1, Health Info – Coding – Certificate CD1, Law Enforcement AAS – LE2, Law Enforcement Certificate – LE1, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate LOG1, Logistics and Supply
        Management Certificate LOM1, Pipefitting Tech AAS – PF2
        Paul Arrigo made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
      4. Discontinue Course – Catalog: POFI 1401 (1284)
        This will affect the following Degree/Certificates – Accounting AAS – AT2, Accounting – TA1, Accounting – AT1, Paralegal Studies – AAS – PA2, Professional Administrative Tech AAS -OT2, Administrative Technology – OA 1, Administrative Technology ll -AAl, Certificate of Completion, Administrative Technology lll, Certificate of Completion
        Bill Gammel made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
        Passes unanimously.
  5. Open Forum
    Stay on top of CAAC involvement.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
