CAAC Minutes: 2018: 09-18

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CAAC Minutes: Sept. 18, 2018

Members Present:
Paul Allen; Keith Coleman; Vicki Hart; Felicia Thomas for Karen Guthmiller; Bill Gammel; Stewart Edwards; Charlotte Mueller; Paul Arrigo; Rosemary Coffman; Onimi Wilcox; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; Ingrid Wallace and Rod Hellyer.

Members Not Present:
Howard Bushart; Doylean Sprauve; Andy Millier; Charles Thomas; David Sholmire; Veronique Tran; and Marylou Ortuvia.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. July 17, 2018 Meeting
    Being that Joe Ganakos received the Minutes late and neglected to send them out, the approval of the July 17, 2018 Minutes and the September 18, 2018 Minutes will both be presented and approve at the October 16, 2018 Meeting.
  2. Informational Items
    1. VP of Instruction: Veronique Tran
    2. Deans: Onimi Wilcox, Layton Childress
      November 2018 meeting is the deadline to have items added to the catalog for next Fall. If there are WECOM or ACGM changes we serve at the pleasure of the State on some issues. November is the hard and fast deadline for changes to the next Fall’s catalog. While exceptions outside of the control of particular College may happen, CAAC would rather NOT do anymore electronic votes unless it is a critical urgency.
      Every month the Chair will do a call for items on the first Tuesday of each month. On the second Tuesday the Chair will close the request and compose the Agenda for that month’s meeting. CAAC meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the following months, September, October, November, February, March, April and July. This November’s meeting will be held on the fourth Tuesday due to the Thanksgiving Holidays.

      Onimi Wilcox
      Whenever we get proposed items going into the Core, we need to look at it very closely.
      May need to create a sublet of this committee or create a new form with more check boxes that we need for the ability to review it digitally. For any item submitted there MUST be evidence of Division Meeting Minutes that reflect an affirmative vote on the submission. If there is an email vote, the Division Secretary would create Minutes from the email to reflect the affirmative vote.
      Dr. Wilcox asked the question: Is there something in the Bylaws of CAAC that precludes a student representative from SGA from attending the meetings?
      Chair, Joe Ganakos’ response: When the Charge was created, as a faculty committee, they were not included. Mr. Ganakos could not state when that Charge was given or been modified. Mike Gos could be contacted as he was the Chair for better than a decade. The former Secretary was Susan Keith. The CAAC meetings are open to anyone who wants to attend.

    3. Registrar: Scott Bennett
      There are going to be changes made to the substitution process. There have been some issues with compliance. There will be a target window of one month to complete the request.
      Rolling class schedules from one term to the next in PeopleSoft has been figured out.
      Drops in a semester, we allow students up to the 75% point in the semester to drop an individual class. After that, up until finals, we allow a student to resign from the semester, dropping all their classes. One break point in between there is that an instructor can do an instructor drop for whatever reason needed. In 2007 the State said that you can allow a student to have 6 drops. If a faculty member drops a student, that drop will count as one of the students 6 drops.
    4. Academic Integrity Taskforce: Paul Arrigo
      The student tutorial for Academic Dishonesty is not complete yet. It will hopefully be complete by the end of the Fall 2018 semester. If an Academic Dishonesty issues arises there is still a form to fill out. The current policy is in the 2018-2019 Catalog and on the Lee College Website.
  3. Old Business
    1. None
  4. New Business
    1. None
  5. Open Forum
    Honors Day will be April 16, 2019 which is a CAAC day. Honors Day is scheduled for 3 pm. Chair, Joe Ganakos suggested to push the April meeting back a week to accommodate Honors Day.
    Debate Tournament will be this weekend. Come watch or volunteer!

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
