CAAC Minutes: 2014-09-16

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Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Minutes

Members Present: Bo Aguilar, Paul Allen, Paul Arrigo, Layton Childress, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Vicky Hart, Rod Hellyer, Cathy Kemper, Sharon Lockett, Charlotte Mueller, Doylean Sprauve, Jeff Thies

Guests: Suzanne Nordhaus, Portia Hopkins, Graeme Cox, Becki Griffith, Charla McCrory

Members Absent: Howard Bushart, Rosemary Coffman, Angela Noack, Tia Hall, Donnetta Suchon, Tex Woodall

Meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

  1. Michael Gos stated that all members of the CAAC board are elected by their division. Please be sure your division conducts an election and it is recorded in the meeting minutes. We have been having difficulties with divisions requesting additions to the agenda after it has been circulated. Please follow set deadlines.

He asked that all entries into the CAAC Maintenance system be filled out completely including course syllabus and, if a core course, assessment plans.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from June 17, 2014, were approved as written.
  2. Old Business: None
  3. New Business:
  • Rod Hellyer proposed changing the contact hours for HYDR 1345 to 2 lecture/2 lab. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried. (Req. #413)
  • Teresa Landers proposed removing CDEC 1323 from the Child Development AAS degree. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried. (Req. #414)
  • Sam Ortallono proposed dropping MUSI 1303 and MUSI 1311 from the Audio Engineering degree. A motion was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #415, 418)
  • Sam Ortallono proposed dropping one MUAP elective from the Audio Engineering Technology degree. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried. (Req. #421)
  • Sam Ortallono proposed dropping the (MUSC) Applied Music elective from the Audio Engineering Technology degree. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried. (Req. #425)
  • Sam Ortallono proposed dropping MUSC 1335 from the Music Studio Production degree. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried. (Req. #424)
  • Michael Gos presented for Gordon Lee. Michael Gos proposed changing the number of electives in the English degree Area of Concentration from 6 to 4 SCH. A motion was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried. (Req. #427)
  • Michael Gos presented for Gordon Lee. Michael Gos proposed adding ENGL 2328 to the core options for Language, Philosophy and Culture. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried. (Req. #429)
  • Charlotte Mueller proposed adding MUSI 2182 to the Music degree plan (Field of Study). A motion was made by Rod Hellyer and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried. (Req. #430)
  • Charlotte Mueller proposed submitting to the Coordinating Board to adding MUSI 1303 to the core curriculum. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried. (Req. #431)
  • Charles Ganze proposed replacing GISC 1311 with POFT 1132 in the Computer Technology degree. A motion was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Edward Stewart. Motion carried. (Req. #432)
  • Jennifer Herzberg proposed reducing semester credit hours to 60 and changing the sequence of ARTS 1303 and 1304 order of courses within semesters and remove 2 electives from to the AA Visual Arts degree. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. # 439)
  • Jennifer Herzberg proposed reducing semester credit hours to 60 in the AA degree plan Visual Arts Imaging by removing ARTS 1303 and two ARTS courses from the Area of Concentration. A motion was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried. (Req. #440)
  • Greg Lattier proposed changing the sequence of BMGT 1327 in the Business Management degree and discontinuing it as the capstone course; moving HRPO 2301 to the third semester and removing BCIS 1405/COSC 1300 from the degree plan to bring it to 60 hours. Paul Allen questioned if this would affect the Huntsville campus degree plans and Cathy Kemper stated they had their own catalog and it would not be affected by this change. A motion was made Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried. (Req. #434, 435, 436, 438)
  • Yihfen Yen proposed adding BIOL 1414 Introduction to Biotechnology to the core for the Natural Science degree plan. Becki Griffith stated that the AA option should be checked as well. A motion was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried. (Req. #442)
  • Sharon Lockett presented for Joyce Jacobs. Sharon Lockett proposed updating the course description and Lecture/Lab hours for the following Bridge classes, ENBR 402, MABR 330, MABR 310, REBR 300 and change the grading basis for REBR 300. A motion was made by Rod Hellyer and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried. (Req. # 445, 446, 448, 449, 450, 452, 453, 454, 455)
  • Graeme Cox proposed updating the course number and description for KINE 1132 and KINE 1164 to core options. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. # 457, 462)
  • Graeme Cox proposed adding KINE 1308 Sports Officiating to the Kinesiology Physical Education AA degree plan and title. Jeff Thies stated that KINE 1308 was no longer in the catalog. Joseph Ganakos moved to table the proposal and Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion was tabled. (Req. #458, 459)
  • Graeme Cox proposed changing the Kinesiology Health AA degree plan, adding KINE 1338 to replace KINE 1305 which was discontinued by the state. A motion was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried. (Req. # 460)
  • Margene Lenamon proposed adding two non-science major courses, BIOL 1408 and BIOL 1409. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried. (Req. #443, 444)
  1. Open Forum:
  • Cathy Kemper announced that Wednesday September 24th the SACS Advisory Board will have an open forum in Tucker Hall. If you have questions about accreditation please attend. You can email your questions to Cathy Kemper in advance.
  • Joseph Ganakos invited everyone to the Mendoza Debate Tournament this weekend.

Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.

Submitted by: Approved by:
Jean Hawthorne, Interim Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
