CAAC Minutes: 2014-02-18

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Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Minutes

February 18, 2014

Members Present: Paul Allen, Paul Arrigo, Marice Ivey for Howard Bushart, Layton Childress, Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Vicky Hart, Rod Hellyer, Joyce Jacobs, Charlotte Mueller, Evan Richards, Tex Woodall. Guests: Georgeann Ward

Members Absent: Bo Aguilar, Angela Noack, Doylean Sprauve, Donnetta Suchon, Jeff Thies

Meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes. Minutes from November 19, 2013, were approved as written.
  2. Old Business: The proposal made by David Jaroszewski to discontinue the Law Enforcement AAS and Certificate of Completion was withdrawn.
  3. New Business:
  • New ITCC courses 1475, 1476, 2478, 2479 and discontinued ITCC course 1401, 1404, 2408, 2410 proposed by Chuck Ganze were withdrawn.
  • Rod Hellyer proposed removing prerequisite WLDG 1291 from WLDG 1312. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
  • Tex Woodall presented for Jim Richardson. Tex Woodall proposed to discontinue ITNW 1451. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried.
  • Karen Guthmiller presented for Graeme Cox. Karen Guthmiller requested to remove KINE 1105, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1113, 1114, 1117, 1118, 1125, 1126, 1133, 1134, 1147 and 1148 from the Lee College catalog.
  • Tex Woodall presented for Dana Byal. Tex Woodall proposed IEIR 1302 will replace CETT 1302 in the Certificate of Completion of Process Instrumentation and Electrical Design. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
  • Paul Allen presented for Donna Zuniga. Paul Allen proposed adding HART 1356, HART 1401, HART 2431, HART 2434 and HART 2449 to the AAS degree in Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
  • Paul Allen proposed changes to the Certificate of Completion in Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration (See Maintenance Request No. 265). A motion was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
  • Paul Allen proposed a new Associate of Applied Science degree and Advanced Certificate of Completion in Culinary Arts. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried.
  • Paul Allen proposed a new Certificate of Completion in Light Commercial Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
  • Layton Childress proposed adding a note to the following AAS degrees: Electrical, Instrument, Process, Safety, Manufacturing, Welding, Pipefitting, and Industrial Systems. Note: To be eligible for a program-related internship a student must have completed 25 credit hours of program specific courses and have a 2.5 GPA and/or by approval of Division Chair. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
  • Evan Richards proposed replacing ENGR 1204 with ENGR 1304 in the EGR3 Area of Concentration. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs proposed a new course REBR 300. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Evan Richards. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs recommended changing the contact hours from 64 to 48 on READ 300. A motion was made by Rod Hellyer and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs proposed changing the course description of the following courses: MABR 310, MABR 342, MABR 330, and ENBR 402. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs proposed changing the course description of EDUC 1200. The following sentence will be added: It is a required course for FYIC students testing into developmental mathematics only and taking 6 or more credit hours. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs proposed changing the course description of LSSS 300. The following sentence will be added: This course is required for FYIC students testing into ENRD 401 or ENRD 402 and enrolling in 6 or more credits. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs proposed changing the course description of MATH 310. MATH 350, TECM 1341, or TECM 1349 will be added to the last sentence of the description. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs proposed adding the new TSIA placement scores to the Accuplacer scores for the following courses: ENRD 401, ENRD 402, Math 320, Math 330, MATH 342, and MATH 350. A motion was made by Rod Hellyer and seconded by Evan Richards. Motion carried.
  • Georgeann Ward proposed changes to add clarification to the American Studies degree plan. Also, Georgeann Ward would like to remove the “H” from the LA4H listing. The proposed changes would help the students understand the specific honors classes that are intended in this degree plan. (See Maintenance Request #269). A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
  • Georgeann Ward proposed making changes to the description of the Honors Program featured in the Lee College catalog. (See Maintenance Request #270). A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
  • Michael Gos presented for Gordon Lee. Michael Gos proposed adding the omega sign to ENGL 1301. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
  • Michael Gos proposed placing ENGL 2307, ENGL 2308, and ENGL 2311 in numerical sequence under the Area of Concentration in the English degree. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas proposed updating the requisites for CTEC 2445 and ENGT 2310 to contain: PTAC 1332, PTAC 1410, PTAC 2420, PTAC 2438, PTAC 2346 and SCIT 1414. Charles Thomas proposed updating the requisites for PTAC 2420 to contain: PTAC 1332, PTAC 1410, SCIT 1414, MATH/TECM elective and PTAC 1302. Charles Thomas proposed updating the requisites for PTAC 2438 and PTAC 2346 to contain: PTAC 1332, PTAC 1410, SCIT 1414, MATH/TECM elective, PTAC 1302 and PTAC 2420. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas recommended redistributing the classes across the four semesters in the AAS Process Technology degree and AAS Manufacturing Engineering Technology degree. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas recommended redistributing classes in the Certificate of Completion in Process Technology. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas proposed adding a new course PTAC 2486 to the Process Technology program. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
  1. Open Forum:

Rosemary Coffman presented for Becki Griffith. Rosemary Coffman discussed the changes to the Grading and Transfer Credit policies. (See handouts).

Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.

Submitted by: Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
