First-Year Experience

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What is the First Year Experience?

Mission Statement

The First Year Ex­peri­ence (FYE) pro­gram is de­signed to sup­port all first-year stu­dents by cre­at­ing in­nova­tive and en­gaging ways to con­nect stu­dents to re­sour­ces and de­velop their sense of be­long­ing to cre­ate the ideal stu­dent ex­peri­ence.


The First-Year Ex­peri­ence (FYE) is com­mit­ted to cross-de­part­men­tal col­lab­ora­tion to en­hance stu­dent ex­peri­ence and achieve the fol­lowing out­comes:

  • Sense of be­long­ing
  • Con­nec­tion to re­sour­ces
  • Im­proved self-ef­fica­cy
  • Re­la­tion­ship-build­ing with peers, fac­ulty mem­bers, and staff mem­bers

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation (NSO) is our way of welcoming you to Lee College.

Learning Frameworks (EDUC 1200)

Learning Frameworks is a First-Year Experience course designed to help students successfully transition to college. It covers various topics, such as financial literacy, career navigation, and many more.


It is important to meet with your advisor to start working on your academic plan as soon as possible. Advising/Counseling.

Peer Mentors

Peer Mentors are current students dedicated to help new students navigate their college journey. Learn more about being a peer mentor.