Peer Mentors

A row of peer mentors posing for the camera
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Also See: First-Year Experience

Peer Men­tors are stu­dents cur­rent­ly en­rolled at Lee Col­lege who have suc­ces­sful­ly comp­leted the Learn­ing Frame­work course. They are cru­cial to the opera­tion of the First-Year Ex­peri­ence (FYE), as they play a sig­nifi­cant role in the fol­low­ing FYE activ­ities:

New Stu­dent Ori­enta­tion

Peer men­tors serve as ori­enta­tion lead­ers during each ori­enta­tion ses­sion. From lead­ing new stu­dents through cam­pus to conduct­ing ice­break­er activi­ties and answer­ing ques­tions, they are here to wel­come and sup­port new stu­dents as we wel­come them to Lee Col­lege.

Learning Frameworks

Peer Mentors are a key to the ideal student's experience in the Learning Frameworks. They are in class with students and ready to help them as needed to stay on task with group work, facilitating active and engaging activities, and building relationships.

First-Year Experience Activities

Peer Mentors are highly involved with FYE activities; they help create and facilitate many of them.

Additionally, Peer Mentors receive extensive training and are ready to help with:

  • Connecting students to appropriate resources
  • Blackboard and other technology issues

Meet Your Peer Mentors

Armando Cardenas

Armando Cardenas

Nora Barrios

Nora Barrios

Crystal Carrier

Crystal Carrier

Richard Estrada

Richard Estrada

Ellaine Ingco

Ellaine Ingco

Anahi Moctezuma

Anahi Moctezuma

Daniel Rodriguez

Daniel Rodriguez

Sam Sigua

Shannen "Sam" Sigua

