PreAssessment Activity

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Welcome to the PreAssessment Activity module, a requirement that you must complete before taking the TSI Assessment. This assessment is a placement test required by the state for all degree-seeking students coming to a public college or university in Texas. We're glad you've chosen to come to Lee College for your education, and we hope this will be your first step toward being a successful college student.

To ensure that you get credit for completing this mandatory online module, you will need to know your Lee College Student ID. This is the seven-digit number that you received in the email from the Admissions office after submitting your online Apply Texas application. Contact the Admissions office if you need assistance.

All students needing to take the TSI Assessment for the first time must create an account through the TSIA2 Study App and complete the required Pre-Assessment Activity. This online module will include the following information:

  • The importance of the assessment and why it matters
  • Sample test questions
  • Options for developmental coursework
  • Campus and community resources

On test day, you will be required to provide proof of the PAA completion, and you will have the option to present a printed copy of the PAA Completion Certificate or present the email confirmation from your mobile device.

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