Click the plus sign (+) next to your pathway to reveal the Lee College pathway academic advisor and financial aid specialists. Academic advisors can help with exploring pathways, academic programs, and transfer opportunities. Financial aid specialists assist students with financial aid questions. Contact information is provided for each of the professionals, along with a list of the academic programs they cover. If you have questions, contact us at or 281.425.6384.

- ToggleAbout
- ToggleAcademics
- ToggleAdmissions & Aid
- ToggleCollege Operations
- Accounts Payable
- Auxiliary Services
- Business Office
- Campus Map
- Empirical Educator Center
- Foundation
- Grant Development
- Hire Employee/Intern
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Institutional Research
- Library
- Maintenance
- Marketing/Public Affairs
- Marketing/Website Request
- Performing Arts Center
- Purchasing
- Receiving
- Resource Development
- Security
- ToggleStudents
- Class Schedule
- Disabilities Services
- First-Year Experience
- Lee College Education Center - South Liberty County
- Navigator Alerts
- Parking
- Recreation Center
- Student Consumer Info
- Student Employment and Career Services
- Student Complaints & Grievances
- Student Organizations
- Student Resource & Advocacy Center
- Student Services
- Student Success and Belonging
- Testing Center
- Transfer
- TRiO Student Support Services
- Tutoring
- Veteran Support Services
- Wellness Center
- ToggleWorkforce