Wellness Center Rules and Regulations

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Wellness Center | Equipment

  1. Check in when ready to work out. Check out when finished.
  2. Please bring a towel.
  3. Proper personal hygiene, cleanliness, and laundering of exercise clothing will be strictly enforced.
  4. PROPER ATTIRE is required. No cut-off shirts will be allowed. No bare midriff, short shorts or thong-type bottoms. No string tank tops exposing the chest. Sport bras may be worn under a T-shirt. We prefer that you wear appropriate footwear, i.e., no sandals or open-toed shoes.
  5. No food or drinks permitted.
  6. No cell phone use during class time is allowed in the Wellness Center. If you have a cell phone, please turn it off. The Wellness Center is a classroom and should be treated as one.
  7. Chewing gum is not allowed in the Wellness Center.
  8. Use of tobacco products is not allowed in the Wellness Center.
  9. Use of profanity is prohibited in the Wellness Center.
  10. No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the Wellness Center.
  11. You must clear the exercise floor five minutes prior to the scheduled closing time.
  12. Please feel free to consult any of the staff members regarding any questions or misuse of the Wellness Center.

Student Behavior in the Wellness Center

For your safety and the safety of others, cell phone use is prohibited in the Wellness Center. If you are caught texting or talking on your phone, you will be asked to stop or leave the Wellness Center. If you continue to use your phone, even in subsequent visits, the Wellness Center staff has been instructed to clock you out of the Wellness Center.

The Wellness Center staff members are our faculty representatives and should be treated respectfully, just as you would any other faculty member. The Wellness Center staff is only enforcing the rules as designated by the Kinesiology faculty. Belligerent, disruptive or abusive behavior will result in your removal from the Wellness Center.

A written incident report will be forwarded to your instructor, and you will need to arrange a mandatory meeting with him or her to discuss the problem before you are permitted into the Wellness Center again.

If you have any concerns about the Wellness Center staff, please discuss them with Jason Summers, the Wellness Coordinator, or your class instructor.
