Mandatory Reporting for Employees

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Senate Bill 212: Employee Mandatory Reporting

Effective Sept. 1, 2019, Texas law (SB 212) requires employees of Texas public institutions of higher education, including Lee College employees, to report observed incidents or credible information to promptly report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. This includes behavior against a student or employee reasonably believed to be sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking against a student or employee.

What happens if an employee doesn't make a report?

Effective Jan. 1, 2020, it is a misdemeanor crime for an employee who fails to make a report or makes a false report. The charge will be for a person who is required to make a report and knowingly fails to make the report with the intent to harm or deceive, or knowingly makes a report that is false.

If it is shown that the employee concealed the incident that was required to be reported, the college must terminate any employee whom it determines, in accordance with the college's disciplinary procedure, to have not made a required report. Student workers are not included as employees for the purposes of mandatory reporting.

Where should an employee file a mandatory report?

To report a Title IX incident, complete the online incident report form. Once the report has been filed, the college will follow steps in the investigation process as required by state and federal law.

Are there exemptions for mandatory reporting?

Exceptions to mandatory reporting of employees include the following.

  • Student employees (those working as a student assistant or in a work-study program).
  • Victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking are not mandatory reporters of/for their own incident.
  • Employees are not required to report information about an incident that is disclosed at a public awareness event such as “Take Back the Night.”
  • Those identified as confidential employees by Lee College.

Contact Information

More information on Title IX and other sexual misconduct policies and procedures can be found at or by email at or by contacting a Title IX Coordinator.

Title IX Coordinator
Jose Martinez
