Faculty Circulation Policy

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Full-Time Faculty

Recognizing that faculty members use library resources differently than students and other employees, a circulation policy exists that applies to their special needs. Needs of faculty members include extended borrowing privileges and suspension of late fees.

All faculty members bear the responsibility for returning borrowed library materials. Items that are checked out on a faculty member’s account are the responsibility of that faculty member. All book items (including government documents) checked out during a semester will be due at the end of that semester. Items of this nature can be renewed for one additional semester. Media items have a one-week circulation period with a two-week renewal extension. Items that are significantly late or not returned will be declared lost and become the financial responsibility of that faculty borrower.

If faculty require extended circulation periods, such as materials checked out at the end of a semester that are needed for preparation for the next semester, please notify circulation personnel upon checkout. Other patrons, including other faculty members, may recall items. Recalled items should be returned in one week. Faculty who recall media items may need them returned sooner than one week so that items can be used for class instruction. Library staff will communicate this need to original borrowing faculty. Library staff cannot provide faculty with information regarding another patron’s circulation record.

Faculty members will be provided notification when materials become/are overdue. Failure to return overdue items may result in borrowing privileges, ordering privileges, and remote access privileges being blocked.

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct faculty members are afforded the same privileges as full-time faculty with the exception that ALL materials must be returned prior to the end of the semester. No extensions beyond the semester in which an adjunct faculty member is teaching can be given.
