Welding Technology

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Associate of Applied Science in Welding Technology

First Semester
Subject Number Title Hours
WLDG 1457 Intermediate Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 4
WLDG 2443 Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 4
WLDG 2406 Intermediate Pipe Welding 4
—- —- Written Communication 3
TECM 1341 Technical Algebra 3
Semester Total: 18
Second Semester
Subject Number Title Hours
WLDG 2413 Intermediate Welding Using Multiple Process 4
WLDG 2453 Advanced Pipe Welding 4
—- —- Social / Behavioral Science 3
—- —- Math / Natural Science 3-4
Semester Total: 14-15
Third Semester
Subject Number Title Hours
WLDG 1430 Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) 4
WLDG 1412 Introduction to Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) 4
WLDG 1434 Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) 4
SPCH —- Oral Communications 3
—- —- Humanities / Fine Arts 3
Semester Total: 18
Fourth Semester
Subject Number Title Hours
WLDG 1417 Introduction to Layout and Fabrication 4
WLDG 1453 Intermediate Layout and Fabrication 4
BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications 3
—- —- Elective 3
Semester Total: 14

Total Semester Credit Hours for Degree: 65

Certificate of Completion in Welding Technology

First Semester
Subject Number Title Hours
WLDG 1457 Intermediate Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 4
WLDG 2443 Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 4
WLDG 2406 Intermediate Pipe Welding 4
Semester Total: 12
Second Semester
Subject Number Title Hours
WLDG 2413 Intermediate Welding Using Multiple Process 4
*WLDG 2453 Advanced Pipe Welding 4
Semester Total: 8

**Total Semester Credit Hours for Degree: 20

Certificate of Completion in Combination Welding

First Semester
Subject Number Title Hours
WLDG 1430 Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) 4
WLDG 1412 Introduction to Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) 4
WLDG 1434 Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) 4
Semester Total: 12
Second Semester
Subject Number Title Hours
WLDG 1417 Introduction to Layout and Fabrication 4
*WLDG 1453 Intermediate Layout and Fabrication 4
Semester Total: 8

**Total Semester Credit Hours for Degree: 20

Core curriculum courses are shown in bold type.

*Students should plan to take this capstone course their last semester and should speak with their advisor prior to registering for the final semester.
**Both certificates required for degree.

Completion of the semester course sequence is dependent on TDCJ/Lee College Huntsville Center semester unit schedule offerings.
