2 p.m. Jan. 28, 2025
Student Center 211A — Covestro
Present: Roshele Friudenberg, Jodi Rodriguez, William Walker, Joseph Queyquep, Nicole Tunmire, Wally Collins, Ed Koretz, Paul Allen, Michael Carson, Alexa-Marie Ramirez, Christine Miller, Karen Guthmiller, Franklin Emeka, Carl Husband, Lara Capson, Joe Ganakos Sarah Tidwell, Scott Bennett, Marylou Ortuvia, Heather Merrill, Christine Miler, Frances Parent, Marissa Moreno, Jessica Thompson Falls, Vicky Hart, John Rylund, Frances Parent
- Call to Order: 2:02
- Approval of Minutes
Joe motioned to approve. Karen seconded. Minutes approved. - Officer Reports
- CAAC Chair: Alexa-Marie Ramirez
CAAC will be working with division chairs to clean up the system backlog
CAAC working to create system training for new division chairs.
2038 added to agenda for Bryant Dyer
Jodi will be stepping down from CAAC responsibilities. CAAC committee thanked Jodi for her service. Gabriela Villanueva will be taking over the catalog and CAAC responsibilities. - CAAC Vice-Chair: Roshele Friudenberg
No report - CAAC Secretary: Michael Carson
No report
- CAAC Chair: Alexa-Marie Ramirez
- Informational Items — Administration
- Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
Not present - AVP of Academic Affairs: Janena Norris
Not present - AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett
No report - AVP of Transfer & Educational Partnerships: Marissa Moreno
No report - Director of Advising & Transfer Partnerships: Sarah Tidwell
Transfer coordinator arranging university tours for students and encourages teachers to promote transfer events in the classroom
Events will be in both the ATC and Student Center. Consult the website for specifics. - Director of Guided Pathways: Nicole Tunmire
Guided Pathways updating the website for Fall 2025 - Registrar: Carl Husband
Registrar reminded teachers about the census beginning on January 29 - Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo
Not present
- Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
- Old Business
- New Business
- Franklin Emeka
- 1949 — Course Description: SOCI 2336
- 1950 — Course Description: SOCI 1301
- 1951 — Course Description: SOCI 1306
- 1952 — Course Description: SOCI 2319
- 1953 — Course Description: SOCI 2336
All listed items approved at November meeting pending minutes. The division chair included the minutes. No approval needed. Jodi noted that Scott made the necessary updates already.
- Joseph M. Queyquep
- 1982 — Degree Plan: Process Piping Design (AAS – PPD2)
Motion to discuss. Motion seconded. Joseph explained that many of these items were approved in November 2022, but the requests never went through. Jodi asked if this provides more options for the students. Joseph confirmed that they did. Joe asked if the minutes had been attached. Joseph said they had been attached in the original request. Committee discussed the role of advisory council in the approval and various ways to improve the CAAC submission system. Alexa encouraged division chairs not to wait until the last minute and emphasized that Guided Pathways and the CAAC leadership can walk division chairs through the process. Item tabled until division includes updated minutes with the request. - 1983 — Degree Plan: Mechanical Technology (Cert. MET1)
- 1984 — Degree Plan: Computer-Aided Drafting and Design - Advanced Technology (Cert. DS1)
- 1985 — Degree Plan: Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Technology (AAS - DT2)
- 1993 — Replace Course: IEIR 1302
- 1994 — Replace Course: INTC 1312
- 1995 — Discontinue Course: IEIR 1302
- 1996 — Discontinue Course: INTC 1312
- 1997 — Degree Plan: Process Instrumentation and Electrical Design (Cert. PIED1)
- 1998 — Degree Plan: Process Instrumentation and Electrical Design (Cert. PIED1)
- 1999 — Miscellaneous: Process Instrumentation & Electrical Design Certificate of Completion — Change to Level 2 Certificate
Waldo Collins noted that 1995 (IEIR 1302) and 1996 (INTC 1312) need to be discontinued from the system. Technical Studies stewards the two courses, and they need to be brought before the CAAC committee from a vote from the Technical Studies Division.
These two are on his work list but can only be deleted when they are removed from the Drafting and Design degree/certificate plan. Once these courses are removed from Joseph’s plan, Wally will be submitting these courses to CAAC for inventory removal.
Committee postponed discussion of the other items until division includes necessary paperwork on all items.
- 1982 — Degree Plan: Process Piping Design (AAS – PPD2)
- Waldo Collins
- 1988 — Discontinue Course: RBTC 1301
- 1989 — Discontinue Course: INTC 1307
- 1990 — Discontinue Course: INTC 2380
- 1991 — Discontinue Course: ELPT 2380
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. All these courses need to be discontinued per discussion in previous CAAC meetings. Alexa called a vote. Unanimously approved.
- Frances Parent
- 2000 — Change/Update Deg/Cert Title: Certificate of Completion in Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration
- 2001 — Change/Update Deg/Cert Title: Associate of Applied Science in Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration
Motion to discuss 2000-2001. Motion approved. These updates will allow the curriculum to better align with industry. Alexa called a vote. Both unanimously approved. - 2002 — Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Certificate of Completion in Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. Change improves entry-level certificate process. 3 courses will be dropped. 3 added. Paul asked Jodi to amend the motion to include Huntsville numbering and avoid duplication. Jessica Thompson Falls thanked for the new courses. Alexa called a vote. unanimously approved. - 2003 — Change/Update SCH: LMGT 1425
- 2004 — Degree Plan: Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Cert. LOG1)
- 2005 — Degree Plan: Logistical Operations Management (Cert. LOM1)
- 2006 — Degree Plan: Logistics and Supply Chain Technology (AAS. LOG2)
Motion to discuss 2003-2006. Motion approved. No discussion. Alexa called a vote. Unanimously approved. - 2007 — New Degree: Cert of Completion in Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Residential Service Specialist
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. No discussion. Alexa called a vote. Unanimously approved. - 2008 — New Course: HART 2438
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. Committee member asked for clarification on the program’s start date. The program will start in Fall 2025. Alexa called a vote. Unanimously approved. - 2009 — Change/Update Course Requisite: HART 2434
- 2010 — Change/Update Course Requisite: HART 2436
- 2011 — Change/Update Course Requisite: HART 2445
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. These courses will be added as prerequisites. Karen thanked the division for important workforce programs. Alexa called a vote. Unanimously approved.
- Evan Richards
- 2012 — Course Description: PHYS 1401
- 2013 — Course Description: PHYS 1402
Informational item. No vote or discussion.
- Charlotte Mueller
- 2014 — Miscellaneous: Title change for the course MUEN 1123
- 2015 — Miscellaneous: Title change for the course MUEN 2123
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. Charlotte explained the title change request to better suit division needs. Paul asked whether these changes would be reflected in Simple Syllabus. Waldo and Paul asked if the administration could help fix alignment errors on simple syllabus. Jodi explained efforts in the fall to address these issues. Division chairs and representatives questioned whether these changes included course objectives. Jodi encouraged faculty to verify through the course catalog and reach out to her if they still had concerns. Alexa called a vote. Unanimous approval. - 2016 — Miscellaneous: Title change for the course MUEN 1135
- 2017 — Miscellaneous: Title change for the course MUEN 2135
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. Charlotte explained the title change request to better suit division needs. No discussion. Alexa called a vote. Unanimous approval.
- Bryant Dyer
- 2019 — Replace Course: OSHT 1316
- 2020 — Replace Course: PTAC 2314
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. Division representative explained that these items have been discussed in previous meetings. The committee required more detailed timelines for proposed changes. The division representative verified that they included the timeline. Alexa called a vote. Unanimous approval. - 2035 — Miscellaneous: Awarding credit for classes by certification
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. CAAC committee asked division representative how credit is designated. Committee member showed how it aligns with instructional material. Joe recommended the item be amended to include “valid” before certification. Division representative agreed to amend language to avoid confusion. Alexa called a vote. Approved unanimously. - 2036 — Degree Plan: Safety Management Technology (AAS - SM2)
- 2037 — Degree Plan: Safety Management Technology (Cert. SM1)
- 2038 — Degree Plan:
Motion to discuss. Motion approved. Division wants to align degree with titles and change capstone project. Everything is now aligned. Alexa called a vote. Unanimous approval.
- Franklin Emeka
- Open Forum
Jodi reminded the Committee that Honors Day will take place April 16 - Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 3:08 p.m.