CAAC Minutes: 2013-09-17

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Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Minutes

September 17, 2013

Members Present: Paul Allen, Paul Arrigo, Howard Bushart, Layton Childress, Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Evan Richards, Vicky Hart, Charlotte Mueller, Jeff Thies, Joyce Jacobs. Guests: David Rosen, Al Zucha

Members Absent: Bo Aguilar, Dana Byal, Rod Hellyer, Angela Noack, Doylean Sprauve, Donnetta Suchon, Tex Woodall

Meeting was called to order at 2:08 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes:Minutes from April 16, 2013 were approved as written.
  2. Old Business: None
  3. New Business:
  • New ITCC courses 1475, 1476, 2478 and 2479 proposed by Chuck Ganze were tabled until next meeting.
  • Chuck Ganze withdrew the discontinuation of the Network Maintenance Technology Certificate.
  • The proposal made by Chuck Ganze to discontinue ITCC courses 1401, 1404, 2408 and 2410 was tabled until next meeting.
  • Sharon Gabel proposed adding a new course GEOL 1447 for spring 2014. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. After discussion, Evan Richards made a motion to amend the original motion to change GEOL 1447 from spring 2014 to fall 2014. Seconded by Joyce Jacobs.Motion carried. The amended motion was approved.
  1. Open Forum:
  • Dr. Jeff Thies passed out a handout of 2014-15 catalog editing dates.
  • Michael Gos discussed the Curriculum Maintenance Process. Michael Gos asked the committee members to let CAAC know of any division changes.
  • Dr. Cathy Kemper talked about the draft of the SACSCOC Substantive Change policy.
  • Joseph Ganakos asked committee members to promote the debate program.

Meeting adjourned at 2:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
