Members Present: Paul Arrigo, Kenneth Booker, Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Tia Hall, Vicky Hart, David Jaroszewski, Jim Richardson, Jeff Thies, Ingrid Wallace, Dana Woods. Guests: Ray Whitlow, Santiago Guardiola
Members Absent: Howard Bushart, Karen Guthmiller, Rod Hellyer, Doylean Sprauve, Donnetta Suchon
Meeting was called to order at 2 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from Nov. 15, 2011 were approved as written.
2. Old Business: Joseph Ganakos discussed movement of the CAAC submission process into the production phase. Joseph Ganakos discussed testing and training people on usage of the program.
3. New Business:
- Tana West proposed course title changes to RNSG 2432 Enhanced Concepts of Adult Health, RNSG 2121 Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management, and RNSG 2207 Adaptation to Role of Professional Nurse. Tana West proposed course description changes to RNSG 2213, RNSG 2432, RNSG 1146, RNSG 1205, RNSG 1247, RNSG 1251, RNSG 1413, RNSG 1301, RNSG 1343, RNSG 2121, RNSG 2207, VNSG 1234, VNSG 1330, VNSG 1423 and VNSG 1226. See attachment. Tana West proposed replacing RNSG 1146 and RNSG 2121 with RNSG 2221. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
- Ray Whitlow proposed deleting SGNL 1401, SGNL 1402, SGNL 2301 and SGNL 2302 from the catalog. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
- Santiago Guardiola presented for Chuck Ganze. Santiago Guardiola proposed replacing the prerequisite for CPMT 2488 with CPMT 1411 and replacing the prerequisite for ITCC 1408 with ITCC 1401. Santiago Guardiola proposed replacing CETT 1325 with ITSC 1316 in the Computer Maintenance Technology Degree and Certificate of Completion. A motion to accept was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
- Stewart Edwards presented for Steve Showalter. Stewart Edwards proposed giving AP credit for GEOG 1303 (Human Geography). Must score 3 or better. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
- Stewart Edwards proposed PSYC 2301 is to be a prerequisite for PSYC 2314 and PSYC 2316. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
- Tom O’Kuma proposed changing course titles on PHYS 1405 to Conceptual Physics I and PHYS 1407 to Conceptual Physics II. A motion to accept was made by Tia Hall and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
- Tom O’Kuma proposed changing course number and titles from PHYS 1411 Introductory Astronomy I to PHYS 1404 Solar System and from PHYS 1412 Introductory Astronomy II to PHYS 1403 Stars and Galaxies. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
- Tom O’Kuma proposed adding ENGL 302 or equivalent as a prerequisite to PHYS 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1407 and 1415. Tom O’Kuma proposed adding Read 302 or equivalent to PHYS 1415 and change MATH 1414 to MATH 330 for PHYS 1403 and PHYS 1404. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and second by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
- Tom O’Kuma proposed course title changes on PHYS 2425 to University Physics I and PHYS 2426 to University Physics II. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
- Tom O’Kuma proposed the following course number change from ENGR 2406 to ENGR 2407. A motion to accept was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
- Charlotte Mueller proposed changing course number MUSI 1301 to MUSI 1303. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
- Jim Richardson proposed adding ELPT 1411 and ELPT 1451 to the Certificate of Completion in Electrical Construction. A motion to accept was made by Tia Hall and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
- Joyce Jacobs proposed changing the requisite for ENGL 301 to read: “Prerequisite AccuPlacer reading score of 30+ or READ 300.” A motion to accept was made by Tia Hall and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
- Joyce Jacobs proposed that SP be removed from the grading options for the developmental courses and be replaced with A-F grading system. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
- Roshele Friudenberg proposed eliminating one developmental math course. MATH 310 will become pre-algebra instead of Basic Mathematics and Math 315 will no longer be offered. The placement test changes will show students testing 0-84 Arithmetic and 0-37 Elementary Algebra are to be placed in MATH 310. A motion to accept was made by Tia Hall and seconded by Stewart Edwards. After discussion, motion carried.
- Sharon Graber proposed adding a new developmental math (MATH 342 – Pre-statistics) to the Developmental Education program. Prerequisites – Math 310 with grade of C or better; READ 302 or equivalent. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
- Tom O’Kuma proposed changing the prerequisite statement for MATH 1322 and MATH 1342 to read: “Prerequisite: MATH 330 (C or better) or MATH 342 (C or better) or equivalent, ENGL 301 or equivalent, READ 302 or equivalent.” A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
- Michael Gos proposed approving an area of concentration in Literature. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
- Michael Gos proposed the following changes to the English program: Change wording “Sophomore Literature” to “Sophomore English” and add ENGL 2307, 2308 and 2311. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Tia Hall. After discussion, motion carried.
- Becki Griffith proposed changes to the Grade Change Policy. A student who wishes to protest a grade starts by contacting the instructor within 30 instructional days of the incident. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
- Graeme Cox proposed changing the name of the Recreation degree to Physical Education degree. Graeme Cox proposed deleting KINE 1336 and adding KINE 1301 to the Physical Education degree. A motion to accept was made by Tia Hall and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
- Chuck Thomas proposed a change of prerequisites to READ 301 and MATH 310 for the following courses: PTAC 1302, PTAC 1308, PTAC 1332, PTAC 1410, SCIT 1318, SCIT 1414, and PTAC 2314. Chuck Thomas proposed prerequisites PTAC 1332 and PTAC 1410 for the following courses: PTAC 2420, PTAC 2438, PTAC 2346, ENGT 2310, CTEC 2445. CTEC 2386 will also have PTAC 1332, PTAC 1410 and prerequisite of “consent of instructor”. A motion to accept was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
- Chuck Thomas proposed that the capstone course PTAC 2346 will change from 4 SCHs to 3 SCHs and students must complete 50% of technical courses at Lee in order to receive a certificate or AAS degree in Process Technology. Approved Process Technology Division electives are: CTEC 2386 Internship, CHEM, MATH, TECM, OSHT, ENGT, BMGT 1307, ENGL 2311. Others must be approved by Division Chair. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
- Chuck Thomas proposed the following changes to the Manufacturing Engineering program. Change PTAC 2446 to PTAC 2346. In first semester, Change PTAC 1308 to PTAC 1308 or OSHT 1301. In second semester, change ENGT 2307 to ENGT 2307 or Elective*. Approved Manufacturing Engineering Technology Division electives are: CTEC 2386 Internship, CHEM, MATH, TECM, OSHT, ENGT, BMGT 1307, ENGL 2311. Others must be approved by Division Chair. A motion to accept was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
- Chuck Thomas proposed changing SPCH 1315 to any SPCH Oral Communication for the Safety Management program. Approved Safety Management electives are: CTEC 2386 Internship, CHEM, MATH, TECM, OSHT, ENGT, BMGT 1307, ENGL 2311. Others must be approved by Division Chair. A motion to accept was made by Tia Hall and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
- David Jaroszewski proposed a field of study curriculum for the Business Administration program (see handout). A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
4. Open Forum: None
Meeting adjourned at 3:35pm.
Respectfully submitted, Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair