Members Present: Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Susan Hamby, Cindy Lewis, Joyce Jacobs, Jimmy Lockett, Doylean Sprauve, Howard Bushart.
Members Absent: Paul Arrigo, Kenneth Booker, Jill Curf, Karen Guthmiller, Rod Hellyer, Roberta McClure, Jim Richardson, Donnetta Suchon, Dana Woods
Meeting was called to order at 2 p.m
1. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from April 20, 2010 were approved as written. Motion to accept was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. A correction was made in the spelling of Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
2. Old Business: None
3. New Business
• Gordon Lee – Huma prerequisites. Michael Gos presented for Gordon Lee to change the prerequisites for Huma from Read 301 to Read 302. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
• Jimmy Lockett – Bylaws revisions. Jimmy Lockett made a motion to remove the Deans as voting members of CAAC and make them ex-efficio members. Seconded by Howard Bushart. Motion carried.
• Joyce Jacobs made a motion to add Nursing, CADD, and Process Technology as voting members. Seconded by Joe Ganakos. After further discussion, motion carried.
• Michael Gos will draft changes and will present at the next meeting.
4. Open Forum
• Dr. Kemper asked if CAAC would like to weigh in on late registration recommendations. CAAC decided to place this on October agenda.
Meeting adjourned at 2:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved By:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair