Investment Disclosures

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The Finance and Administration Department of Lee College is committed to its role as a good steward of District funds. By maintaining the highest standards of integrity and adhering to strict guidelines, the Department, with guidance from the Board of Regents, oversees a portfolio of sound investments. Though performance is always the goal, safety of principal is paramount to every decision relating to the investment of Lee College funds.

Compliance Statements

  1. Lee College District does not use external investment advisors or managers.
  2. Lee College District does not use soft dollar arrangements, directed brokerage or directed commission, commission recapture, or similar arrangements (these arrangements typically involve using brokerage commissions as a means of paying for other related investment services through credits of a portion of brokerage commissions paid or using selected brokers who will rebate a portion of commissions they receive on trades for the investor). All investments are paid through direct payments.
  3. Lee College District is associated with the Lee College Foundation, which provides support specifically to Lee College and its students.

For information about the Foundation, contact the Executive Director for Resource Development, 200 Lee Drive, Suite 203, Baytown, TX 77520. The market value of the Lee College Foundation as of August 31, 2020 is $13,850,359.14.

Biennial Compliance Report, FY21 (PDF)
