Steps in Facility Reservation/Rental Process

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For facilities other than those in the Performing Arts Center:

  1. Call Facilities Coordinator to check availability of facilities for proposed dates
  2. If dates are available, fill out Facilities Request Form to request specific date and facility
  3. Facilities Coordinator compiles Facility Rental Agreement Form from Facilities Request Form and gets bids for possible work needed for event (e.g., security, maintenance set-up, custodial).
  4. Facility Rental Agreement Form is sent to VP of Student Affairs for approval via email when needed.
  5. If event is approved, VP of Student Affairs and renter sign contractual agreement to book the facility
  6. In order to confirm a reservation, the facility user, whether 1) a person(s) or organization(s) officially connected with the district or 2) an off campus renter not affiliated with the college must come in person to the Lee College (200 Lee Drive, Baytown, TX) Information Desk located in the Advanced Technology Center no later than 10 (ten) business days before the event, and:
    • Make required facility rental payments in the business office
    • Present appropriate damage/security deposit check made payable to Lee College
    • Provide liability insurance with Lee College as the named insured
    • Sign and receive a copy of facility rental policy and procedures regarding use of Lee College facilities
    • Sign copy of facility rental agreement and contract

Failure to comply with reservation confirmation guidelines may result in the forfeiture of reservation.
