Stop-the-Bleed Kits

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stop-the-bleed kit thumbnail 1 stop-the-bleed kit thumbnail 2 Bleeding control plays an essential role in life preservation in events ranging from a violent shooting to the much more commonplace shop class accident. Uncontrolled hemorrhage (bleeding) caused by traumatic injury is a leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 46 (Chambers, Seastedt, Krell, Caterson, Levy, Turner, 2019). The use of a tourniquet quickly after an event occurs will provide the largest positive impact possible in saving a life. A person who is heavily bleeding can die from blood loss in as little as five minutes. This means that it is critical that bystanders have the training to know how to take simple steps to quickly stop blood loss until medical personnel arrive. 

Under Texas House Bill 496, public school districts must have bleeding control kits in easily accessible areas.  Stop-the-Bleed kits have been placed inside of all AED cabinets.  Stop the Bleed Basic Kits are designed to provide users with immediate access to products that slow traumatic hemorrhaging before professional help arrives.

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The kit includes:

  • C-A-T tourniquet
  • Emergency Bandage
  • 2 Rolls of Gauze Dressing
  • 2 Pair of Latex-Free Gloves
  • Trauma Shears
  • Permanent Marker
  • 2 Vented Chest Seals
  • Printed Insert, Instructions for Use

Stop-the-Bleed Training

The Texas Education Code (TEC), §38.030(b)(3), states that agency-approved training on the use of a bleeding control station in the event of an injury to another person must be provided to school district peace officers, school security personnel, school resource officers, and all other school district or school personnel who may be reasonably expected to use a bleeding control station.  

Stop-the-Bleed Training is offered throughout the year to staff and faculty.  At the end of class, participants will receive a certification.

Who Can Use the Stop-the-Bleed Kit

Ideally, a Stop-the-Bleed Kit will be used by someone who has completed the Bleed Control training; however, anyone is protected under the Texas Good Samaritan Law if they use a public access bleeding control kit.