Distance Education

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Fingers typing on keyboardLee College offers a variety of modalities in Distance Education. Students interested in taking fully online or streaming courses should consider the following recommendations:

  • Access to stable internet connection.
  • Access to a computer/laptop/mobile device that is capable of accessing the internet, download files, upload files, and install the Office 365 suite.
  • A web camera and microphone are required for streaming courses.
  • Basic computer skills.

If you are a new student to Lee College you will be automatically added to the Blackboard Orientation Course. The course is not mandatory, but it provides in-depth information on navigating and using Blackboard.

Please use the link below to search for your online course.

Search Online Course Offerings

Lee College Course Delivery System

Courses will be offered online through Blackboard.

Student Resources

Writing Center

Learning Hub (Tutoring Center)

Math Lab

Blackboard Helpline: 281.425.6364 or email

Blackboard FAQ


Instructor Tutorials Site

Student Tutorials Site

Hardware and Software Requirements

To be successful in an online course, students who use their personal computers must have high-speed internet access. Online course users will need at least two internet browsers. For example, for PC users, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. For Mac users, Mozilla Firefox. PC users need Windows 7 or Windows 8 as an operating system. Mac users need an operating system of 10.5 or 10.6. In order for the components to work correctly, Java must be installed. Do NOT use Internet Explorer or Safari. These will cause issues when submitting assignments and taking tests. Do NOT use a phone or small device to take a test.

Distance Education

Distance education provides courses in which a majority (more than 50 percent) of the instruction occurs when the student(s) and instructor(s) are not in the same place. The categories of distance education courses are defined as:

Face-to-Face (P)
Hybrid Course (H)
Hy-Flex (J)
Lee Stream (S)
Online Course (V)
100% Online Course (W)

Distance Education Handbook-Students (PDF)
A complete student guide to Distance Education at Lee College.

Distance Education Handbook-Faculty (PDF)
A complete faculty guide to Distance Education at Lee College.

For more faculty-related information, please visit the Empirical Educator Center page.
