Admissions Services

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Change of Major

Students can change their major (degree or certificate plan) via myLC Campus. It is recommended that students consult with their advisor or counselor before making a major change. Please allow one business day for a change of major request to be completed.

Dropping Courses

Lee College wants students to succeed in reaching their college goals. All students should carefully consider the decision to drop any or all of the classes they register for in a semester. Dropping any or all classes can have adverse impact to financial aid (loans, grants, scholarships), international student visa status, veteran's benefit status, and to status used to qualify for benefits such as insurance. In addition, there are substantial extra fees for repeating most classes for the third or greater time. And a new law passed in 2007 limits the total number of drops certain students can have during their career at one or more Texas public colleges or universities.

When a change is unavoidable, students who must drop a class or classes have the following options:

    1. To drop one or more classes in a term (but not all classes), a student should fill out the DROP/RESIGNATION FORM (using the Drop section of the form), available on this website and at the Admissions and Records Office. In most cases, this form must be submitted in person at the Admissions and Records Office. Signatures will be required from any offices for which approval must be granted (such as Financial Aid and the Veterans Office). These drops are accepted up until the 3/4 point in a semester or session. After that time, only resignations (dropping all classes in a term) and instructor-initiated drops can be accepted (until the start of finals).
    2. To drop all classes in a semester, students need to complete the DROP/RESIGNATION FORM (using the Resignation section of the form), available on this website and at the Admissions and Records Office. In most cases, this form must be submitted in person to the Admissions and Records Office. Signatures will be required from any offices for which approval must be granted (such as Financial Aid and the Veterans Office). Resignations will be accepted up until the start of finals (or before the last day of class for sessions without a finals period).

Drops and resignations processed on or before the day of record will not be shown on a student's transcript. After the day of record, drops and resignations will be noted with a W grade (see the Lee College Catalog for more information).

Enrollment Verification

If you need a verification of your enrollment to be sent to you or to an outside party (insurance companies, etc.) please print our Verification Request Form and email ( fax (281.425.6831), or bring it to the Admissions and Records office.

Verifications are not completed and made available to students or outside entities until after the official day of record for a semester, which occurs as late as the 12th official class day for a 16-week session.

Transfer of Credit

(Esta página también está disponsible en español.)

If you earned college credit at another college and hope to use some or all of that credit toward a degree at Lee College, you must request evaluation of your transfer credits.

If you need immediate assistance on determining whether a class or classes are likely to transfer to Lee College, see an advisor in the Student Success and Advising Center located in Rundell Hall, Suite 100.


Lee College does not mail grades to students. Use myLC Campus to retrieve your grades. We usually begin posting grades on the day after the last finals in a semester are given. Most grades are available to view by one week after the last final is given in a semester.

Lee College has a letter grading policy. Valid grades include A-F, P, and several types of W (withdrawal) grades. Numeric grades will not be computed or provided; high school students taking classes for dual credit should consult with their high school to determine the high school’s policy on interpreting letter grades for high school ranking.


Each letter grade has a point value depending upon the grade and the number of credits earned in the class. The grade point average takes the total of those grade or “quality” points and divides by the number of attempted credit hours in a semester.


Student completed two 3-credit classes in a term.

Grade for Class 1 = A (12 points)

Grade for Class 2 = C (6 points)

Total points = 18, divided by 6 credit hours attempted, equals a 3.00 GPA for that term. Cumulative GPA for the student is achieved by dividing all quality points for all semesters by all attempted hours.

Classes in which student earns an F grade generate no points, but the hours of those classes count as attempted. Classes in which a student earns a W grade generate no points and the hours do NOT count as attempted.

See the Lee College Catalog for more information on grades.
