Executive Director of Marketing and Public Affairs

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Brian Waddle

Brian Waddle portrait

Brian Waddle is a nationally recognized thought leader and presenter in higher education marketing and branding.

Currently the executive director of marketing and public affairs at Lee College, he has served as faculty for the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and as a national presenter for the American Marketing Association, as well as the American Association of Community Colleges and the AACC National Council for Marketing and Public Relations.

He led brand management for the Houston Community College System, the nation’s second-largest two-year institution with more than 100,000 students and seven colleges, and directed marketing and communications for the University of Houston Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and afterward, the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

A native of Dallas, Brian earned a bachelor of arts from Southern Methodist University and lives in Houston.
