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The Lee College Nursing Pro­gram can help you take advan­tage of the vast health care career oppor­tuni­ties that exist in the Houston Metro­politan region and beyond. Nursing is a high-pay­ing, well-respec­ted, and in-de­mand career path. Job oppor­tun­ities include hospi­tals, clinics, home health care facili­ties, long-term care facili­ties, industry, and spe­cialty health care hospi­tal units.

Lee College offers two tracks for Regis­tered Nursing (RN) — a generic track for traditional students and an LVN-RN transition track for licensed vocational nurses wanting to continue their education. RNs provide and coor­dinate safe, compas­sionate, full nursing care to assigned patients in a variety of settings. The cur­riculum provides students with nursing theory and clinical experi­ences that prepare them to be eligible to take the exam­ination for licensure.

To ac­com­mo­date great­er dem­and for the Regis­tered Nursing (RN) pro­gram, the Li­censed Voca­tional Nurs­ing (LVN) pro­gram has been closed as of Fall 2024, and the nurs­ing labs and fac­ulty are now exclu­sively for RN stu­dents.

This page contains addi­tional admission require­ments for the Lee College Nursing Program.

What Will I Learn?

Each semester, students will be enrolled in theory and clinical courses. In addition, skills courses are taught in the first year of the program. During the last semester capstone course, students spend approximately half of the semester in a preceptors (mentored) experience. The ADN program has clinical affiliates throughout the Houston-Galveston region, including the Texas Medical Center.

Upon acceptance into the Nursing program, you will learn:

  • Theory and clinical laboratory skills
  • Ethics and standards of practice
  • Patient care technologies
  • How to identify problems and develop plans of care for patients and their families
  • How to delegate, manage and lead others

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
ADN Program
LVN-ADN Transitional Program
U.S. Dept. of Education Regulation Related to Professional Licensure