Business Administration & Management

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A busi­ness admin­istra­tion degree focuses on busi­ness manage­ment and pre­pares students to work in the world of commerce.

General­ly, busi­ness admin­istra­tion course­work includes the prin­ciples and appli­cation of economics, market­ing and plan­ning.

Business admin­istra­tion degree holders work in the manage­ment of health care, insur­ance, real estate and tech­nology, as well as admin­istra­tive posi­tions in general service and retail busi­nesses.

What Will I Learn?
  • Explore business trends in various historical and cultural contexts
  • Articulate strategies for building shared organizational values, attitudes and beliefs
  • Recognize the impact of social and emotional intelligence on various business contexts
  • Explain ethical principles and core personal values in business decision-making
  • Apply change management theories and concepts in various organizational contexts

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Business Management (AAS) Degree Plan
Business - BU1, Certificate of Completion
Management - MN1, Certificate of Completion
Marketing - MK1, Certificate of Completion
Entrepreneurship - BE1, Certificate of Completion
International Business - IB1, Certificate of Completion
Supervision - SU1, Certificate of Completion