EKG Technician

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A patient lies on a table to receive a medical exam

EKG Tech­nicians as­sist physi­cians in di­agnos­ing and treat­ing card­iac (heart) and peri­pheral vas­cular (blood ves­sel) ail­ments by per­form­ing diag­nos­tic tests to as­sess the heart rhy­thm and rate in pa­tients. They are em­ployed by ho­spi­tals and medi­cal/surgi­cal clin­ics, etc. The 84-hour cours­ework in­cludes the funda­men­tals of ana­tomy and physi­ology of the cardio­vascu­lar sys­tem and the role of the elec­trocar­dio­graph in pa­tient as­sess­ment.

Na­tional cer­tifi­ca­tions in EKG Techni­cian are avail­able through the Na­tional Health­career As­socia­tion (NHA),

Information is subject to change based on industry, facility, or institution requirements. 

Steps to Admission

Estimated Tuition
Steps to Application
Admission Requirements
Time Commitment

Check Eligibility for Licensing Exams

Students who have a felony conviction should check with the Program Manager of their program to determine if a licensing exam is required to be employed. Some examples include, but are not limited to, education, nursing, cosmetology, and technology programs. Legislative changes, specifically, HB 1508 from the 85th Texas legislative session section 53.151 (2017), require notification to applicants and enrollees regarding the consequences of a criminal conviction on eligibility for an occupational license. Students may be ineligible for an occupational license upon completion of a program due to prior convictions.

HB 1508

Students who have a felony conviction should check with the Program Manager of their program to determine if a licensing exam is required to be employed Some examples include but are not limited to education, nursing, cosmetology, and technology programs. Legislative changes, specifically, HB 1508 from the 85th Texas legislative session section 53.151 (2017), require notification to applicants and enrollees regarding the consequences of a criminal conviction on eligibility for an occupational license. Students may be ineligible for an occupational license upon completion of a program due to prior convictions.
