Clinical Medical Assistant

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A medical professional takes a patient's blood pressure

This 184-hour pro­gram pre­pares Clini­cal Medi­cal Assist­ant stu­dents to perf­orm skills in the medi­cal of­fice set­ting. Clini­cal medi­cal assist­ants per­form rou­tine clini­cal tasks to keep the of­fices of physi­cians, podia­trists, chiro­prac­tors and opto­me­trists run­ning smooth­ly. It re­quires 136 class­room hours and 48 hours of a clini­cal extern­ship.

Stu­dents per­form clini­cal proce­dures, includ­ing administering medications, assisting with minor surgery, performing an elec­tro­car­di­ogram, ob­tain­ing lab­ora­tory speci­mens for on-site test­ing, educat­ing pa­tients and main­tain­ing clini­cal equip­ment in an ambu­la­tory care set­ting. Clini­cal duties may in­clude tak­ing/record­ing medi­cal his­tor­ies and vital signs, explain­ing treat­ment pro­ce­dures to pa­tients, pre­par­ing pa­tients for exam­ina­tion and as­sist­ing the physi­cian dur­ing the examina­tion.

This program will provide the necessary training and skills required to challenge the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) national examination.

Information is subject to change based on industry, facility, or institution requirements.

Estimated Tuition

Cost of program is $2,330. Tuition must be paid in full by the first day of class.

Additional costs include an online background check ($42, payable by student), drug screening ($40, payable by student), compliance tracker ($30, payable by student), textbooks, and supplies. 

Steps to Application
Admission Requirements
Time Commitment

Check Eligibility for Licensing Exams

Students who have a felony conviction should check with the Program Manager of their program to determine if a licensing exam is required to be employed. Some examples include, but are not limited to, education, nursing, cosmetology, and technology programs. Legislative changes, specifically, HB 1508 from the 85th Texas legislative session section 53.151 (2017), require notification to applicants and enrollees regarding the consequences of a criminal conviction on eligibility for an occupational license. Students may be ineligible for an occupational license upon completion of a program due to prior convictions.

HB 1508

Students who have a felony conviction should check with the Program Manager of their program to determine if a licensing exam is required to be employed Some examples include but are not limited to education, nursing, cosmetology, and technology programs. Legislative changes, specifically, HB 1508 from the 85th Texas legislative session section 53.151 (2017), require notification to applicants and enrollees regarding the consequences of a criminal conviction on eligibility for an occupational license. Students may be ineligible for an occupational license upon completion of a program because of prior convictions.
