Audio Engineering Technology

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An au­dio en­gi­neer (or a sound en­gi­neer) is a train­ed pro­fes­sion­al who works with the mech­anics of record­ing, mixing, and repro­duc­ing sound.

Audio en­gineer­ing tech­no­lo­gy deals spe­cifical­ly with the tech­nical and mech­anical aspects of music and sound.

The As­soci­ate in Ap­plied Sci­ence (AAS) in Audio En­gineer­ing Tech­nology program offers stud­ents hands-on study of audio en­gineer­ing and rela­ted media fields. Stu­dents learn and apply the con­cepts and theor­ies asso­ciated with music record­ing, live sound rein­force­ment, and sound de­sign. The pro­gram is de­signed to give stu­dents foun­dation­al know­ledge and experi­ence essen­tial in the field of audio pro­duc­tion.
What Will I Learn?

From mechanical and electrical design through theatre sound implementation, an Associate of Applied Science in Engineering Technology at Lee College will teach students how audio technology hardware works and why, as well as how to apply it in a variety of spaces.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Audio Engineering Technology
AET1: Certificate of Completion — Audio Engineering Technology
MSP1: Certificate of Completion — Music Studio Production
SRT1: Certificate of Completion — Sound Reinforcement Technology