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Arch­i­tec­ture is the art and sci­ence of de­sign­ing build­ings and struc­tures. It in­cludes both the pro­cess and pro­duct of plan­ning, de­sign­ing, and con­struct­ing. Arch­i­tec­tura­l de­sign usual­ly ad­dress­es both rea­son­able­ness and cost, as well as func­tion and aes­thet­ics for the user.

Many careers require education beyond the associate degree. Students should work with their advisor to tailor course selections to align with their chosen transfer university. The transfer plan(s) on this page shows a tailored example for a university commonly chosen by Lee College students. However, students may choose to continue their education at any university.

What Will I Learn?

Students will learn foundational knowledge of the conceptual, perceptual, and manual-skills necessary for two-dimensional and three-dimensional design. Basic drawing methods and tools for the study, methodology, and production of architectural drawings lay the foundation for this concentration. Students will develop the ability to see and interpret a variety of subjects using diverse materials and techniques.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Architecture Non-Specific Transfer Plan